“Perfect! Besides I want to see your face when I tell you the news.”

I can’t say Ian’s mouth fell open, though it did part some, when I told him about Max and Effie. Words, however, failed him. He sat staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and it made me realize just how much I had missed him, really, really missed him, a startling revelation to me.

I reached out to where he sat next to me and laid my hand on his that rested on his water glass. “I really missed you lots more than I expected.”

He smiled then and I caught how the eyes of the passing waitress lit with delight or maybe it was envy. His hand slipped off the glass and around mine to give it a loving squeeze.

“I’m glad to hear that, Pep, since there wasn’t a minute that I didn’t think about you while I was gone.”

I hung tight to his hand and admitted with ease, “You’ve sent my heart meter chart into the stratosphere.”

“I’m glad to hear that since it makes it that much easier to tell you that I love you, Pep.”

Okay my mouth did fall open, probably wide enough to catch several flies.

“After being away from you last night, I couldn’t wait to tell you. I didn’t want to wait. I want you to know how I feel about you. I’m not looking for a short fling with you. There had been times I thought I was in love but until you came along, I never really knew love. Now that I do, ah dinnae want to lose it.”

My voice failed me, though my heart didn’t. It soared and pounded in my chest.

“Ah dinnae expect you to say anything now. Think on it and let me know how you feel when you’re ready.”

“I LOVE YOU,” I blurted out like a fool and every head in the outside section of Treetop turned and looked at me. The heat of embarrassment rose up to sting my face and my gallant Highlander came to my rescue.

Ian stood. “I told Pepper I loved her and I am thrilled that she feels the same about me.”

Everyone clapped to my further embarrassment and Ian gave me a quick kiss.

When he sat, I whispered, “Thank you.”

“Thank you,” he whispered back. “This is a memory I will always cherish.”

He always knew the right thing to say, and I quickly admitted, “I worry I’m not as romantic as you.”

“You’re romantic in your own way, Pep, and I love that about you.”

Tabby, the hostess, approached with two champagne glasses and the waitress who carried an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne cuddled in the ice. They both wore huge smiles.

“With compliments from the owner,” Tabby said and placed the glasses on the table in front of us as the waitress popped the cork.

Of course, everyone clapped once again. You would think we just got engaged.

The thought had me spitting out the words. “Did you text anyone about this, Tabby?”

She laughed. “I didn’t have to. Everyone else has already done so. I expect Amy will be calling you any minute, not to mention your brothers.”

My cell rang and Tabby laughed as she walked away. It was Amy.

“Take a drink first, Pep, I think, you’re going to need it,” Ian said with a smile and raised his glass.

I followed suit and did something I would never do. I not only didn’t answer the phone, but I also turned the ringer off.

“Feeling as happy as I do at this moment, Ah cannae help but think how difficult it must have been for my uncle and your aunt—in love but unable to admit it. I do recall my dad mentioning something about my Auntie Trudy not being well, perhaps my uncle felt obligated to look after her.”

“People didn’t divorce easily in those days, and I recall Trudy being a very nice person. I imagine it was a difficult situation for all,” I said. “I wish I knew more about the circumstances surrounding it.”

“People in love in those days wrote letters. Maybe your aunt tucked away some love letters that could explain it,” Ian suggested.

I shook my head. “I should have thought of that.” I laughed. “But I’m not the romantic one.”

Ian’s eyes shot up.

“Who?” I asked, pouring myself more champagne.

“Amy and Beau headed this way.”

“I think they have a thing for each other, though they haven’t realized it yet,” I whispered.

“Agreed,” Ian said and greeted the two with a smile.

“You’re engaged and you don’t answer my calls or texts?” Amy said upset and Beau hurried to pull a chair out for her to sit at the table, then quickly sat in the chair next to her.

I reached out and patted my best friend’s arm. “Do you really think I wouldn’t tell my best friend forever as soon as I got engaged?”