“Between your dad, the sheriff, and your exceptional guard dog, Mo, I will rest easy. I’ll call you when I get to the city.”

As soon as the call ended, I wondered if I had made a mistake. Was it time I became intimate with Ian? I didn’t know what falling in love felt like, but I was pretty sure I was falling, if I hadn’t already fallen—actually face-planted—in love with Ian. Not knowing squat about love how could I be sure, but who did know about love? I knew I missed him when he wasn’t around and that I was overjoyed at seeing him, and I loved talking with him, and sleeping on the couch wrapped in his arms, and the kisses—I couldn’t get enough of those. I loved that we had so much in common and that he accepted me for who I was.

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Ian was real and what we shared was real. Could I actually be that lucky?

Mo joined me while I arranged the things I had gotten at the garden center on the porch. When done, I grabbed a hot cup of tea, since there was a sharp autumn chill in the air, and returned to the porch with Mo.

The conversation earlier with Vera returned to me and I called Amy. “Busy?” I asked.

“Fifteen minutes before another phone conference with a client,” she said. “And I’ll be munching while we talk.”

I got right down to it. “I worked the garden center this morning and Vera showed up. She made sure to let me know the cover model stayed at your place three nights in a row. Are you still claiming to be just friends?”

There was a crunching sound before she answered. “He likes my cooking.”

“What has that got to do with him staying over?”

“We talk. It gets late. So, he sleeps in the guestroom.”

“What aren’t you telling me or what are you afraid to tell me?” I asked, knowing my friend far too well.

Amy sighed. “I thought your brother Thomas was the only man I would ever have any feelings for.”

“But?” I asked when she said no more.

“I surprisingly find myself enjoying time with Beau. He makes me laugh. He’s thoughtful and though he doesn’t read romances, though he did admit to trying a couple, he does love to read. He turned me on to some great historical fiction books and some suspense books I couldn’t put down. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I really like the guy, and it befuddles me.”

“Only you would use the word befuddle,” I said with a laugh. “All kidding aside, Amy, you’ve believed yourself in love with my brother for so long that you never gave any other man a real chance. Maybe it’s time you do and see what happens.”

“He’s a cover model. The kind of guy a woman fantasizes about but never gets involved with because he’s not real. Could be I’m just living my fantasies, and what happens when I wake up?”

“Sounds like you’re talking about me as well,” I said, her remark hitting home.

“Ian is different. You can see he loves you,” Amy argued.

I laughed. “Don’t tell me you don’t see how Beau looks at you with those puppy dog eyes that says ‘I adore you! Take me home.’ Oh wait, you must since you’ve been taking him home.”

“Very funny,” Amy said, laughing herself.

“I’m free tonight if you want to come over and talk. Ian has to go into the city and won’t return until tomorrow.”

“And he didn’t ask you to go with him?” Amy asked.

“Of course, he did—”

Amy finished before I could make an excuse. “But it scared you and you turned him down.”

“Wow, we’re both pathetic examples of today’s confident, I-can-handle-anything woman,” I said, and we both burst out laughing.

“I have to go,” Amy said.

“Beau’s coming over tonight, isn’t he?” I asked when she didn’t answer me about coming over.

“He is, but if you need company, I can cancel,” Amy said.

“Not necessary. I have plenty to keep me busy. Talk with you tomorrow,” I said.

I was glad Amy was giving Beau a chance. If anything, it tested her unrequited feelings for my brother Thomas and after all these years that was a good thing.

I called my mom. I’d been meaning to ask her to hem my aunt’s dress for the Halloween party. She was a whiz with a needle and sewing machine.

“I wish I could get it all pinned tonight, Pepper, but we’re meeting Thomas and his girlfriend Lola for supper. I can do it tomorrow morning if that works for you.”

I shook my head. Every time I heard the woman’s name all I could think about was the lyrics, whatever Lola wants, Lola gets, which fit Thomas’s girlfriend perfectly.

“Works fine for me, Mom.”

“You have small feet like your Aunt Effie. The heels she wore with that dress, black silk, should be in the attic, though I don’t know if they are wearable after all these years. Oh, and the long black gloves. They might be tucked in the pocket of the black swirl coat she wore with the dress. You’re going to look as stunning as she did when she wore that dress.”