Ian pointed to my aunt’s signature in the corner, “To my darling, Max.”

“She signed her picture that way to all men,” I clarified.

“I could see a good many of them losing their hearts to her. She is stunning in that black Chanel dress.”

My eyes went wide. “That’s the dress Amy suggested I wear to your Halloween party.”

“Do you have it?” Ian asked excited.

“I do.”

“Perfect! Wear it for the party and I’ll get a tuxedo from that era. We’ll make the perfect dashing, forty’s era couple.”

I cast a quick glance at the picture again.

“You’ll fit the dress perfectly,” Ian said.

“How did you know what I was thinking and how do you know I’d fit it?”

“You’re built just like your aunt, slender with just a hint of curves. Trust me. It will fit you perfectly, except the length will need adjustment. I have someone here who can do that for you,” he offered.

“My mom is a whiz with sewing and would be only too glad to do it for me,” I said, knowing she’d be insulted if I allowed anyone but her to touch Aunt Effie’s garments. “Now let’s get busy looking for an old-fashion keyhole.”

Both our eyes settled on two large cabinets on the wall behind the desk covered with dust. A low cabinet was sandwiched between them. A painting of the lodge at its inception hung over the low cabinet and between the two tall ones.

“The key could fit any one of these keyholes,” Ian said, inspecting the keyholes closely.

“Those cabinets are empty.”

We both jumped and turned to see my dad in the open doorway.

“They’re gun cabinets. After Max was taken to the hospital, I confiscated the guns. I also have a bunch of knives that belonged to him. I didn’t want any kids breaking in here and finding any weapons. Since your uncle left you the lodge and its contents, they now belong to you, but there’s tons of paperwork and permits you need to fill out before you can get them.”

“Thanks, Sheriff, I’ll have my attorney see to it,” Ian said.


Ian shook his head. “Excuse me I need to see to this.”

As I expected, my dad followed him out to the main room of the lodge, and I was close behind him.

Martin Sands stood near the large fireplace shaking papers he had gripped in his hand at Ian. “You’re not getting away with this. You owe me for all the years I represented you.”

“Ah dinnae owe you anything, Martin, and the reason ah dinnae is due to your shady business dealings and more the fool I for never realizing it. But no more. You now owe me, and I intend to collect every penny, and I’m sure many other people you represent will feel the same way as soon as this news gets out.”

Martin looked as though Ian had struck him. “You owe me, Ian.” He waved his hand in the air. “You have all this because of me.”

“I have what I have because I worked tirelessly for it. Go through my attorneys with your grievances and never confront me again or I will get a restraining order against you. Now get off my property and stay off it. That goes for Pepper’s property as well. And if I hear you even attempted to speak to her, I’ll give you a Glasgow kiss.”

Martin stepped back and turned a quick eye on the sheriff. “Arrest him, he threatened me.”

“What threat? He said he’d kiss you though why he’d do that is beyond me,” My dad said shaking his head.

Beau laughed. “Actually, Sheriff, a Glasgow kiss is a head-butt to the face which usually results in a broken nose.”

My dad shrugged. “I heard kiss, not a threat, Mr. Sands, but Mr. Macgregor did tell you to leave his home and not return. I suggest you do just that.”

Martin’s face blossomed red and looked about to explode. “This isn’t over, Ian.”

“It is for you, Martin,” Ian said and pointed to the door.

Martin stormed out of the lodge.

My dad kept an eye on Martin, seeing him stomp off to his vehicle through the large glass windows. “It’s good to know, Ian, that you would protect my daughter.”

“Always, sir,” Ian said without hesitation.

My dad’s hand went up to stop me from responding even though he wasn’t looking at me, his attention still on Martin. But then that’s a da who knows his daughter well.

“I know you can take care of yourself, Pepper, but it’s a relief for a father to know that the man with you wouldn’t hesitate to keep you safe.”

“Okay, I’ll give you that, Dad,” I said, and he shook his head.

My dad didn’t turn to face me, or Ian until Martin’s car was out of sight. “Now let’s get to what I came here for.” He held up the old-fashioned key.