“I told you not to bother Ms. Madison since you have no authority to speak for me,” Ian said. His hand shot up when Martin went to argue. “I have just retained a new agent who will be representing me in all contract deals.”

“Who? He won’t be taking the modeling contract away from me I can assure you of that,” Martin said.

“Why don’t you call him and tell him that,” Ian said.

“Name and number,” Martin said with bravado, his phone ready in his hand.

“Willard Hughes and I’m sure you can find his number yourself.”

Martin turned whiter than freshly fallen snow. “Impossible.”

“Call him and see for yourself.”

“Our contract is still valid,” Martin insisted.

“We’ll see about that,” Ian said, and Martin stormed out the door.

Ian closed the door behind him and turned to me. “Are you all right?”

“He didn’t frighten me. Mo would have taken him down in one jump.” I looked down at Mo who jumped in fright, Roxie having turned and hissed at him.

Ian laughed.

Roxie strolled over to her dish to finish the chicken and Mo made a beeline for his bowl, worried Roxie might steal some of his.

I was a bit startled when Ian took me in his arms. “I’m sorry about that, Pep.”

“Not your fault, and I’m thrilled it all worked out with Willard Hughes. Congratulations.”

“All thanks to you.”

“He wouldn’t have taken you on if he didn’t think it was worth it,” I reminded.

“Still, I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to speak to him if it weren’t for you. I owe you and I’d like to start repaying you tonight.”

My brow shot up.

Ian chuckled. “I thought you’d come over to my place and we can do a photo shoot. Sylvia made it clear to me what she envisioned for your updated professional photo.”

“She would do that, though I want Amy there since she’s good at putting me in clothes that make me look good.”

“Amy is always welcomed at my place. Does seven work for you?”

I nodded.

“Great,” he kissed me quick. “I wish I could stay a while but we’re about to do some photo shoots in the woods. This gray day makes for a perfect backdrop for various book covers.” He kissed me again. “See you at seven.”

I finished making my salad while I called Amy.

“Are you kidding?” she asked when I told her about tonight. “This is fantastic. A house full of hot men and me able to dress you. It’s two dreams come true.”

“The photo is for my book jacket,” I reminded. “A prepper one at that.”

“My head is spinning with ideas.”

“Come by for supper and we’ll discuss them before heading over to Ian’s place,” I said, needing to rein her in before she got carried away. Not that I’d be able to stop her, but at least I’d be prepared. A prepper was always prepared. “I also thought we’d do some snooping.”

“I knew it. I knew there had to be another reason for you to so easily agree to have your picture taken.”

“What kind of investigator would I be if I didn’t make the most of the situation?”

“You’re not an investigator,” Amy pointed out.

“You’re right, but you know how I can’t let things go unsolved.”

“It’s a needle in a haystack we’re looking for,” Amy said.

“Hey, I found that needle in the haystack when the school held that Find The Needle In The Haystack Contest in the eighth grade,” I said proudly.

“You used a magnet,” Amy reminded.

“I saw no rules that said I couldn’t,” I protested just as I had in the eighth grade when I was told I cheated.

“Well, this time it’s different. Willow Lake Lodge is a big place. Let’s see if you find the needle in the haystack there… without a magnet,” Amy said with a laugh.

“No! No! No! I’m not wearing that slinky black dress for the photo shoot,” I said, handing the skimpy garment back to Amy. “I’m a prepper and I need to look like one.”

“What does a prepper look like? You yourself told me that preppers come in all shapes and sizes and from all different walks of life.”

“Right and a slinky black dress isn’t me. I want to be me for this photo shoot,” I said.

Amy nodded. “You’re right. skinny Jeans, white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, all-purpose vest, boots, but you need to give a little with the hair. Leave it loose to fall over your shoulders, the auburn color will look stunning against the white shirt. The photographer can take some close ups and distant shots. Then we’ll try a long skirt and a snug sweater. He can add an autumn backdrop to that and do close ups and distance again. There’s also some other garments on this rack that would work as well.” She turned and went through the rack of clothing with a fine eye for detail.