He gave a slight tilt of his head as his brow narrowed. “You spoke to Cerise?”

Bingo, I got my answer. “She didn’t tell you she stopped here by mistake?” The last person who did that was murdered. I hoped that didn’t happen to Cerise, but if it did, I’d know who would be on top of the suspect list… me.

“She didn’t mention it.”

He turned away to place his mug of tea on the table and I could almost see his mind churning. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought as I did, that her stop here was on purpose.

“It sounds like an offer you can’t refuse, though I thought you weren’t interested in having another agent.”

“I’d probably negotiate a limited representation. The shoot will take about three months and involves some travel, since they want the shoots done in different places—Scotland one of the places.”

My stomach went south, far south. I’d miss him.

“What about your shoots here?” I asked when what I really wanted to say was what about me, another ridiculous thought. Why would he even consider me? We were practically strangers.

“I’ll have a manager to deal with the shoots all set in place by then, so everything will continue uninterrupted with the other models. A few of my personal shoots may be delayed, but that’s not a problem. Enough about me. How did supper go with your family?”

I had him laughing in no time with my family’s antics.

“I really am sorry I missed it. Hopefully your mum will invite me again soon,” he said.

“You can count on that. You won her heart with those beautiful flowers you sent her.”

We talked and laughed some more, and I was disappointed when he said he had to go. I was hoping he might stay and watch the movie with me and maybe even fall asleep with me on the couch again.

“Early shoot,” he explained as I walked him to the door.

Before I could open it, he swooped me up in his arms and kissed me like I’d never been kissed before and, WOW, did I respond. I even shocked myself, but then it seemed so natural, like we were made for each other. And thank the Lord I didn’t toot.

He rested his brow to mine when the kiss ended, far too soon for me. “I really like you Pepper Madison. I like spending time with you, talking with you, and I love that you’re as much a fan of mysteries and old movies as I am. So, I plan on seeing you as much as I can—if you have no objections.”

I shook my head, taking a minute to find my voice, since he had stunned me speechless, a difficult thing to do. “No objections.”

“I’ll ring you tomorrow,” he said and gave me another kiss, a quick one this time, and out the door he went.

I stood staring at the closed door, wondering if I was an idiot. I couldn’t deny any longer that I liked Ian, I mean reeeeally liked Ian. I fanned myself with my hand as I walked back to drop down on the couch.

Naturally, I reached for my phone and called Amy. “Need to talk.”

“I’m all ears,” Amy said.

I detailed the whole thing, elaborating on the kiss.

“What’s the problem then?” she asked. “See where it takes you and have fun along the way.”

“I’m worried I’m leaving myself open to hurt and disappointment, since Ian isn’t your typical boyfriend material.”

“What was it your Aunt Effie used to say?”

I could hear my aunt’s cultured voice and I wished I could sound half as beautiful as she did when she spoke. “Nothing comes with a guarantee, my dear. Live life and enjoy.”

“You gave me goosebumps. You sounded just like her,” Amy said. “And I think your aunt’s advice is spot on.”

I must have channeled my aunt since I didn’t think I sounded anything like her, though I did agree with Amy about my aunt’s advice. It was time for me to enjoy and not worry about the what ifs.

“I’m going to take my aunt’s advice.”

“Good to hear. Now tell me what Ian said about Willow Lake Lodge not being specifically included in his uncle’s will,” Amy said.

My silence said it all.

“You didn’t ask him,” Amy said.

“I was caught up in the moment.”

“Wow, you must really like Ian to have forgotten to question him about that.”

“I’ll make sure to ask him the next time I see him.”

“Which will be?”

“I’m hoping tomorrow.”

Amy laughed, sing-songing, “You’ve got it bad. You’ve got it bad.”

“Shut up,” I said and hung up on a still laughing Amy.


I was busy in my garden harvesting a few pumpkins early the next morning. I planned on doing a video on how to puree fresh pumpkin to use in recipes. I make pumpkin bread and pie and freeze them for the holidays. I planned to do a quick video of how to make a batch of various flavorful roasted pumpkin seeds, chili and sea salt being my favorite They’re a good snack to have around and take along for a walk or a hike.