“Oh, you must be his neighbor, Prepper.”

So, he had mentioned me to her. “Pepper,” I corrected.

“The survivalist gal.”

Yeah, she definitely turned up my road on purpose.

“As I said, you’ll find Willow Lake Lodge next right down the road. Say hi to Ian for me.” I turned away, though I couldn’t help but glance back and watch her waddle to her car like a penguin.

I was beginning to wonder what else I didn’t know about Ian, but then I didn’t know him that long, which begged the question should I really trust him? I wanted to know if it was intentional, not being clear about his uncle leaving him all he had but with the will making no mention of Willow Lake Lodge.

My cell rang and I smiled when I saw it was, Ian. “Hi, Pep, I just grabbed a minute between shoots—”

My phone dinged with a text from Amy.


“I wanted to know if there was anything I could bring for supper at your mom’s tonight,” Ian finished, and I prayed I was dreaming.


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell Ian his publicist stopped by your house,” Amy said, settling on the sofa with a glass of pinot noir.

I fought the urge to pour myself another glass of wine, feeling I was going to need the fortification for supper tonight, barely three hours from now, with Ian and my family. “I want to see if he tells me that she stopped here or if he even mentions she was here at all.”

“Good idea,” Amy agreed. “So did you tell him he couldn’t go wrong with wine or flowers for your mom when he asked what to bring?”

“You know my mom well, though she did throw me a curve ball inviting him to supper tonight with the family. Ian and I are nowhere near the point of family suppers.”

“Maybe your mom was just being neighborly.”

I laughed. “Yeah, right.”

Amy laughed along with me.

“Make sure you plant yourself next to Ian tonight at the table. We need to keep him sandwiched between us, for his sake,” I said.

“Gotcha, though your mom, not to mention your brothers, might out-maneuver us if we’re not quick.”

I shook my head. “I feel like I’m plotting a battle plan.”

Amy laughed again and switched the conversation. “Tell me what Burke said.”

I detailed my talk with him. “I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Willow Lake Lodge was not specifically mentioned in the will. It’s the most substantial part of the inheritance. And why leave all of what Max owned only to Ian? Why didn’t he leave it to his brother, Ian’s father, or include Ian’s sister?”

“A good question to ask Ian,” Amy said.

“Which leads me to another question, why didn’t Ian tell me that the will was vague. That it never specified Willow Lake Lodge?”

“Another good question to ask him. Though do remember, you two have only just met so you can’t expect the guy to tell you everything.”

“Maybe under different circumstances, I’d agree, but a dead guy was found on his property and the dead guy happens to be from Scotland. That cannot be a coincidence.”

“Okay, you got me there,” Amy admitted.

My cell phone rang, and I snatched it up off the coffee table and seeing who was calling said to Amy before answering, “Ian.”

“Hi Pep. I’m really sorry, but I’m going to have to cancel on supper tonight with your family.”

“Oh,” I said, raising my brow to Amy and mouthing, he’s cancelling tonight. Her deep frown said it all.

“A business issue came up and I have to see to it right away. I truly am sorry. I was looking forward to getting to know your family. I do hope I’ll get another invite.”

I couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Believe me, my mom will definitely invite you again.” Surprisingly, I found myself adding, “Though I am sorry you can’t make it tonight.” Amy’s frown turned to a smile, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Believe me, Pep, I would much rather be with you tonight.”

My heart soared like a bird taking flight.

“I’ll explain when I—”

Voices in the background interrupted him and I knew it was Cerise hurrying him off the phone and a spark of jealousy caught me unaware.

“I have to go, Pep. I’ll call you later.”

He hung up before I could respond.

“Wow, I haven’t seen you jealous since your brother gave the last ice cream to me instead of you when we were like ten,” Amy said with a laughing grin.

My eyes went wide. “Holy mackerel, you’re right. I am jealous that she’s going to get to be with him tonight and I’m not.”

Amy laughed even harder. “Holy mackerel? I haven’t heard you say that since we were kids. Feeling that young and carefree, are you? Hmmm, wonder what’s causing that?”