Mo barked at being called lazy and I didn’t blame him.

I turned to Ian and failing to find the right words asked, “How do I thank you?”

He smiled and winked at me. “I think we can work something out.” Then his tone turned thoughtful. “Seriously, Pep, I would no’ want to lose you.”

My heart hammered against my chest like a teenage girl who the high school jock had just told her he liked her. And what comes out of my mouth? “Now that you saved my life, you’re stuck with me.”

Ian leaned his face closer to mine. “Consider me stuck, leanna.”

“Time to go,” my brother Josh called out.

Ian stood along with me. “I’ll see you later tonight. I’ll bring the wine as promised.”

I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to keep our date, but Josh yelled out for me to move it, he had work to do here and I gave Ian a nod, thinking I could always call him later and cancel, if need be.

I went to my dad. “I really am sorry, Dad.”

“You’re my only daughter, Pepper. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. Go home and get warm. Your mom is probably waiting there since I called her, before the gossip hounds could get to her, and let her know you’re fine. I’ll stop by later to talk.”

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and followed my brother to the squad car. He made me sit in the back seat with Mo and lectured me all the way home, which wasn’t far, thank goodness.

“Pepper,” he called to me when I stepped away from the car without saying a word and I turned. “I’m glad you’re all right.”

I smiled at him and nodded, acknowledging his attempt to let me know he cared.

Roxie greeted us at the door with several loud meows, since I was late in feeding her supper. I got busy feeding them both, giving Mo a sizeable meal for his part in saving my life today.

I hugged him around the neck and kissed his snout. “I love you, Mo.”

He licked my face and eagerly turned to his food dish.

My mom came rushing through the front door as I walked toward my bedroom eager to take a shower. After hugs and kisses and a few tears on her part—okay a few tears on mine too—I went to take a shower while Mom heated up the homemade chicken soup, she had brought with her.

I slipped into my comfort clothes, blue and black plaid flannel bottoms and an oversized blue thermal shirt. After I dried my hair, I finished off my non-sexy outfit with big furry black slippers, thinking about Stevenson’s car the whole time.

Whoever set that car rolling down that path wasn’t familiar with the area, or he would have never chosen that spot. It was known by too many and it wouldn’t have been long before it was found, which my little fiasco today had proven.

I walked out of my room, thinking I needed to tell my dad that and was greeted by a screech and a rush of arms around me—Amy.

“You are going to give me a heart attack one of these days,” Amy protested and grabbed her chest to stress her point after releasing me.

“Not before me,” my mom said, patting her chest, then motioning to me. “Now get over here and warm up with some of my chicken and rice soup.” She pointed to the three bowls on the island counter.

Any and I rushed for the stools.

Thankfully, Amy kept the conversation going about anything but my near drowning incident, bless her. She knew my mom well and knew it would be difficult for her to hear the details, so Amy made sure we talked around it.

When I started yawning, my mom suggested I needed to rest and got me tucked comfortably on the couch with a pillow and blanket just as she had done when I was young and home from school sick. All the soup and medicine in the world couldn’t compare with a mom’s caring touch.

“Call me later, if you’re up to it,” Amy said, letting me know she was anxious to get all the details.

I nodded and the door lock clicked lock shortly after. Mo stretched out in front of me on the rug and, not to be left out, Roxie curled up at my feet. In no time, we were all asleep.

“Pep. Pep.”

Ian’s hand stretched out to me, calling me and I ran to him. He was bare chested, wearing only his Highland plaid. He caught me in his strong arms, wrapping them around me tight, holding me close, saving me, loving me…

“Pep. Pep. Are you all right?”

I felt the hand on my shoulder and my eyes shot open as I sat up. I came face to face with Ian, looking mighty good in tight jeans and a red hoodie, and, of course, I offered a brilliant greeting. “How did you get in?”