“He’s right,” Danny said, backing up his brother. “We don’t know enough about this guy—”

“Don’t give me that crap, Danny. You no doubt Googled Ian and found out what you could about him.” I shot my other two brothers an accusing look as well. “You both did too, didn’t you?”

“It’s part of the investigation,” Josh said in defense of himself.

“We don’t need an excuse,” Thomas argued. “You’re our little sister and we look after you.”

“If you haven’t noticed, I’m not little anymore. I’m a grown woman and you need to stay out of my business.”

“Have you seen the photos of him and the numerous hot women he’s dated?” Danny asked.

I glared at him, my temper mounting. “Are you asking why he’s dating me after dating such hotties?”

“No, No. I just mean he can have any woman he wants—”

“So why date me?”

“Danny didn’t mean it that way,” Thomas said in his defense.

I slapped my hands on my hips as I turned to Thomas. “What way did he mean it?”

“Damn it, Pepper, he’s a cover model with a slew of women to choose from, he’s not interested in settling down and having babies,” Josh said.

“And I am? Maybe I’m just looking for a fun time with Mr. Cover Model.”

“Hell no,” my three brothers said in unison.

“Enough,” my dad said in that tone he used when we were young and the four of us squabbled. “We’re done here. Josh get back on patrol. Thomas and Danny go home.” My brothers looked about to protest when my dad continued, “Pepper in the house.”

My brothers nodded as my dad marched toward my front door and my only recourse was to stick my tongue out at them as I did when I was young and frustrated with them. Drats! I allowed them to regress me into their little sister again. And double drats on my mom for using that annoying word, that would sometimes pop in my head.

I no sooner had closed the door behind me when my dad asked, “Did you learn anything from Ian that would help this case?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Didn’t tell my brothers that I was quizzing the suspect for you tonight, did you?”

His own brows shot up. “And have the whole town know?”

“You’re right.” I nodded. “Smart move, Dad.” By that time Mo had made it through a drawn out stretch and had ambled over to the door. I opened it. “No chasing anything and don’t take long or you’ll miss our late-night snack.” His head perked up and you would think he was a pup the way he took off.

My dad shook his head. “That dog is useless. His only interest is food.”

“You’d be surprised, Dad.”

“So did you learn anything?” he asked, getting the conversation back on track.

“Ian is as curious about the dead guy as we are and, get this, he loves solving mysteries.”

“Or he wants to keep one step ahead of us.”

I’d been having such a good time with Ian, first time in a long time I enjoyed talking with a guy so much, that I hadn’t let myself think that. I hated admitting the obvious. “You’re right. He could be using me.”

“It’s something to keep in mind,” my dad said, his tone softer. “I don’t want to see you get hurt and your brothers are right about one thing… Ian isn’t the settling down type.”

I sat on the couch, sharing some crackers with Mo while talking on the phone with Amy.

“You enjoyed the date that’s what matters,” Amy said. “Your brothers and dad are being their usual selves… ignore them.”

“What if my dad is right and Ian is using me?”

“You must have really enjoyed tonight to even let that question bother you.”

I bolted up on the couch, worrying Mo who kept his eyes on the cracker box, thinking it was the end of snack time. “Wow, you’re right. I let this guy get to me and I barely know him. I feel like banging my head against the wall for being stupid.”

“Why? Because you actually enjoyed a date with a guy. Something you haven’t done in a gazillion years. Come on, Pepper, you’re smarter than that. You’d never let this guy fool you, even if he is the most gorgeous guy in the world.”

“You should have seen the way women, of all ages, and some men stared at him.”

“How couldn’t they? He’s hot and there’s no denying that. Regardless, you seemed to have had an enjoyable time with him. Plus, you have one thing in common, solving mysteries.”

“He likes walking in the woods too. He walks the hills where his family’s home is in Scotland.”

“Another thing you share,” Amy encouraged. “Give him a chance, Pepper. There’s no way Ian’s involved in the murder—just trust your gut. He’s a good guy, enjoy yourself.”

I crawled into bed with way too much on my mind and a dog that doesn’t respect boundaries.