“Smart,” I commended, envious that he had thought of it.

I leaned forward and whispered, “Any chance you owe any shady characters some money in Scotland?”

“The only shady character I know takes far too much of my money… my first agent, Martin Sands. A contract I regret signing to this day.”

“Can’t get rid of him?”

“I’m working on it. Maybe we can work on solving this mystery together. I love a good mystery.”

And another notch went up on the like meter. This was far from a non-date.

We both declined desserts, though he had coffee and I had tea, lingering in conversation over the dead guy, not a usual topic for a first date.

First date.

It was an actual date, and it wasn’t going all that bad.

I spoke too soon. As soon as Ian turned up my drive, we saw flashing lights and as we got closer, I felt like a teenager again when I saw my dad and brother Josh, their patrol cars lights flashing and my brothers Thomas and Danny standing there, looking ready to send out a search party.


“Something I should know about?” Ian asked as we approached the flashing lights.

I couldn’t let him go into the lion’s den unprepared. “I promised my dad I would text him what restaurant we’d be at—”

“The reason you wanted your phone earlier. You should have told me, Pep. I can understand your father’s concern, especially with him still regarding me as a possible suspect. I see Josh is with your dad and I suppose the other two are your brothers?”

Guilt rose up to poke at me. “They are—Thomas and Danny. Stay in the car. I’ll explain.”

“No,” he said so firmly it had my eyebrows shooting up. “I’ll see to this.”

I didn’t have time to argue since he pulled to a stop, turned the car off, and got out before I could tell him to hold up. I scrambled out of the car, afraid my brothers would eat him alive, not to mention my dad. He started speaking before I could stop him.

“My apologizes, sir, I just learned that Pep was to let you know where we’d be having supper,” he said, coming to a stop in front of my dad. “It was my fault that restaurants were changed at the last minute and unfortunately Pep accidentally forgot her cell phone. I will make certain to let you know where Pep and I will be going while this investigation continues.”

My dad and brothers stood speechless staring at him, their mouths hanging open, and so did I. That he didn’t throw me under-the-bus and took the blame sent the like-meter through the roof.

My dad stretched his hand out to Ian. “I appreciate that.”

Ian took it and gave him a firm handshake, another thing my dad appreciated in men and women alike, a good sturdy handshake.

Ian turned to Josh and acknowledged him with a nod, “Josh.”

Josh returned the nod, looking befuddled.

Ian stepped over to my other brothers and offered his hand once again, first to Thomas, “I’m Ian, nice to meet you—”

“Thomas, Pepper’s middle brother,” he said and shook Ian’s hand.

“Danny, Pepper’s oldest brother,” Danny said, stretching his hand out, and Ian took it.

“The one who would know the most about her. We’ll have to talk,” Ian teased and actually got a laugh out of Danny.

Ian glanced from my brothers to my father. “I’ll say goodnight to, Pep, and leave you to talk with her, but please don’t be harsh on her. It was an honest mistake and won’t happen again.”

Again, he left my Dad and brothers speechless.

He walked over to me. “I have a shoot tomorrow that will take all day, but if you’re not busy I’d love to see you in the evening.” He bent down and kissed my cheek and whispered, “I had a great time. I’ll ring you tomorrow.”

I stared at him as he acknowledged my family with another nod, got in his car, and drove away.

“He’s either a good guy or he knows how to play people,” Josh said.

I rolled my eyes and got more annoyed when Thomas spoke.

“Time will tell.”

I ignored my brothers and walked over to my dad. “I’m sorry. Amy had me change what I was going to wear at the last minute and in the rush, I left my phone in the jacket I had planned to wear. And there was no way I was going to use Ian’s phone to let my dad know where we were going. I’m not a teenager anymore.”

“True, but your date is still on the suspect list, and you have a habit of getting into things you shouldn’t.”

I knew darn well that if my dad had the slightest suspicion that Ian was guilty, he would have put an end to me going on a date with him.

“Like dating a suspect in the first place,” Thomas said with a bit of reprimand.