“You’re way off on this, sheriff,” Ian said. “Beau isn’t capable of murder.”

“Everyone is capable of murder under the right circumstances,” my dad said. “I gave a quick call to Doris at the records department, and she confirmed that all records from around the time Effie sold the property had been lost or destroyed. Effie was a wise businesswoman, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she kept the original documents. It’s just a matter of finding them, a job I give to you, Pepper, get busy looking for them.” He placed the key Struthers had on the counter, stood, and stretched his hand out to Ian. “I appreciate you being cooperative and helpful, especially since your plans won’t prove as profitable as you thought if this theory proves true and also that there’s a chance a friend could prove to be someone you didn’t know at all.”

Ian shook my dad’s hand. “Ah cannae say I would be happy about either, but ah dinnae want to take any chance of putting plans into place only to discover that legally ah cannae proceed with them. And as far as Beau is concerned, he’ll prove me right. He’s a good mate and he’s innocent. I will alert my lawyers to share all documents of my inheritance of the lodge with you.”

My dad thanked him again and called out as he walked out the door, “Keep the door locked, Pepper.”

“I think we should postpone tonight, Pep,” Ian said. “I need to help Beau and I imagine Amy will need you. And who knows, your dad might decide to hold Beau overnight.”

“I was going to suggest the same, my thoughts are with worry for Amy just as yours are with Beau,” I said.

Ian stood. “I hate to do this to you, and to me, Pep, but I know your dad is probably headed to the lodge right now and ah cannae leave Beau to face this alone. I need to go and make sure he’s all right and get a lawyer for him if necessary.”

I walked him to the door and his arm shot around my waist and he kissed me. His kiss left no doubt how he felt.

“Another time, Pep?” he asked.

There was a slight worry to his words, and I quickly put his concern to rest as I said with a light laughter, “Sooner than later.”

He smiled and hugged me tight, “Love you, Pep.”

“Love you, Highlander,” I said and sent him off after another kiss.

I didn’t waste time, I grabbed my cell and called Amy.

“I only have a few minutes before a client arrives,” Amy said after her initial hi. “Sorry I didn’t get back to you yesterday.”

“Busy with Beau,” I asked, hoping otherwise.

“You might say that.” Amy sighed. “Beau has got me so confused. I didn’t expect to like him as much as I do. I really enjoy spending time with him and that he enjoys reading as much as I do, only makes him more appealing. At first, I thought maybe he was just telling me he loved books. You know the way guys do to get a woman interested in them, show interest in something the woman enjoys. But he’s read extensively, and it shows when he discusses books. But listen to me go on and on. Was there something you wanted to tell me?”

I didn’t want to leave her to find out from someone else, since if my dad took Beau in for questioning news of it would spread like wildfire.

“There is since a short time ago,” I said and explained it all to her. Silence followed, forcing me to ask, “Amy are you all right?”

“I don’t believe it. I just don’t believe it. Or maybe I don’t want to believe. But why ask me to help him with his finances when he’s a whiz at it. This is all wrong. I don’t believe it. I don’t want to believe Beau a murderer. He’s a good guy.”

“Ian said the same and I have to admit I thought the same,” I confessed. “But my dad thinks he might have an accomplice or maybe he paid someone to take Struthers out so no one would ever know about the documents that could stop Ian from building on the land, if they’re ever found.”

“He needs a lawyer,” Amy said in his defense.

“Ian is seeing to that,” I said, and my cell dinged. “Ian sent a text.” I cringed. “My dad’s taking Beau in for questioning.”

“I’m going to the police station,” Amy said.

“And do what? You won’t be able to see him. Wait until he’s done there. I’m sure he’ll want to talk with you,” I urged.

“I’m sending him a text,” Amy said, and I waited. “Your dad just wants to talk right? I mean Beau can easily explain everything. Oh, he answered. He says the sheriff let Ian drive him to the station for them to talk. He says it’s all crazy nonsense, babe, I’ll talk with you as soon as I’m done here.” She sighed with frustration. “My client is here. I have to go. I have a full workload today. Text me if you hear anything and I’ll do the same.”