But ‘baby’ was indicative of how protective and overwhelmed I felt by the depth of my feelings for her, and given how carefully she used it—i.e. when no one else was around—I had to reckon she felt the same way about it.

I could just feel the tingle in the base of my spine, the one indicating I was about to come, when she repeated the vaginal muscle squeezing thing, and that was it. I went from engine revving to engine roaring as I came, a loud groan pouring out of me that I wouldn’t have been able to hold in, even if I’d tried.

It felt like it went on forever, and when it finally started to slow down, and I didn’t feel like jaws were squeezing the life out of me anymore, my hearing came back online.

That didn’t mean I was over it. No, it didn’t work that way for me. It still felt like I had shocks going through my body, and my cock wasn’t sure what it wanted to do, so it was doing its best to continue coming, but at least I was getting my hearing back.

That’s why, when the blinds on the door rattled as someone tried to open it, I bent over Addy, pushing all of me back inside her pussy, and making both of us moan as I covered her.

And apparently, we’d done it loud enough for the person trying to get in to hear.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, man,” Remy barked. “In the office?”

There was a moment’s silence, and I heard a female voice—one that made Addy tense with who it belonged to—calling out his name and asking me if I was in there.

“What? No, he took Addy out to look at the new fence, and then they’re spending time with Rocky. What do you need?”

I couldn’t hear what she answered with, but he replied, “Fine, I’ll let him know. Can you go and check Mercury’s okay? He looked a little sluggish earlier.”

“What do we do?” Addy whispered, bringing my attention back to her. I couldn’t help the smug smile on my face when I saw her pink cheeks and messy hair. “Don’t you dare smirk at me, Marcus. He’s going to open that door, and you’ve got your thing in my oonie.”

I swear a little devil made me do it—it being me grinding into her so that the scruff above my cock met her clit, making her shudder.

“You fucking owe me, Townsend-Rossi. And those forms on your desk better be done in the next hour.” He paused, then added, “And the place sterilized.”

Glancing down at the desk where the forms had been, I winced when I saw them under Addy’s ass. Shit, Remy was going to kill me.

Pushing my hands between her back and the desk, I lifted her up and snickered when the top page of the paperwork stuck to her ass.

Reaching around, she pulled it off. “Please tell me that’s not one of the forms he was talking about.”

Moving us toward the bathroom so we could get cleaned up, I shrugged a shoulder. “It’ll be okay.”

Her opinion on that was different from mine, something she made abundantly clear the whole time I disposed of the rubber and cleaned us both up.

According to Addy, you couldn’t send ‘sex-scented’ forms back to people because then they knew what’d happened on it and would look at us funny the next time we met with them.

Given that they were contracts and quotes for shit for the fences, work we’d had to outsource, like repairing some of the cabins, and other general shit like that, I doubted the recipients would give a fuck. All they wanted was the business and the money.

Once I’d relayed this to her, she glared at me and then went about getting dressed again while I pulled my clothes on and then got to work picking up the pens and china shit scattered across the tile floor.

Working on a ranch, I’d quickly learned carpets were the enemy and took up way too much time vacuuming them, even if you’d made sure your feet were clean before you stepped on them, so I’d had tiling put in the office and wooden flooring throughout the house. Unfortunately for anything fragile, this meant the risk of complete destruction was higher if something dropped on it, so I went and got the handheld vacuum we kept here when it became clear I wasn’t going to be able to pick it all up.

A familiar scent hit my nose just as I finished, and I grinned when I turned and saw Addy scrubbing my desk with antibacterial wipes.

I didn’t buy Lysol or any of the standard ones you could get in the stores. I ordered ours in bulk from the same company that supplied most of the hospitals in the area. It paid to keep whatever we could as clean as possible, especially when dealing with DNA samples, breeding, and things like that, which needed to be kept sterile. If the wipes were good enough for hospitals to use, they sure as shit were good enough for us to use.