“Do you want me to teach you how to play it?” Liam asked, snapping me out of my ranch musings.

“Not really. Do you want to play snap?”

“Not really,” he shot back, giving me a wink. “Do you want to talk about how women can’t pee on the side of the road and public bathrooms?”

My cheeks heated up at the memory of my conversation with Marcus just the other day. “He told you?”

“No, I was standing near where y’all were talking,” he snickered.

I’d just opened my mouth to call him a shithead when the horse we were watching, Gibraltar, let out a whinny and began shifting from foot to foot.

Getting up, I walked over to her and held my hand out while Liam spoke to someone, letting them know to come back to the barn because it was time.

“Does she need the vet?”

Joining me, he leaned his elbows on the top of the gate leading into her stall, not needing to stand on one of the beams to reach it like I did. “Nah. Unless she has problems or becomes distressed, she can probably do this by herself. We’ve also got gloves and lube by the door, so one of us can reach in and help her if necessary.”

“Hold up, hold up.” I held my hand up in the air. “Reach in?” When he nodded, I clarified, adding a hand movement just in case, “Like, put your hand in her vagina?”

“No, with animals like horses and cows, you’ve got to go in up to the elbow.”

I couldn’t help it, I gagged. “You have the inside of a horse’s vagina touching your arm?”

“The gloves come up to your shoulder, babe. It’s fine.”

As some of the others joined us, including Remy, Santana, and Marcus, I peppered them with questions.

“Here we go,” one of them said loudly, and we all stood back as Gibraltar’s abdomen began clenching and releasing periodically.

“Isn’t that what happens with humans?” I whispered to Santana, not wanting to spook the poor horse.

“Yeah. I’m not sure who has it easier—them or us?”

“The men have it the easiest out of both of us,” I muttered, then stumbled back when Gibraltar turned around, and I caught sight of her backside. “What the shit is that?”

Big arms wrapped around me from behind, making me jump and squeak.

“That’s the foal coming out in its sac,” Marcus said, his mouth next to my ear.

“That’s not a baby horse, that’s an alien.” I was completely grossed out by it, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t take my eyes off what was happening in front of me.

I wasn’t kidding either. It looked like an alien as it came out so far, then went back inside her poor body.

“She needs help,” Remy said after a while. “Someone glove up.”

Marcus let go of me and went to move toward the gloves, but I caught his hand. “I don’t know if I’ll ever look at you the same way again if I see you do it.”

Laughing, he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “I wasn’t going to do it because I did it last time.” I couldn’t help it when my eyes went to his arm, and I took a step back. “I was just going to squeeze the lube on whoever puts the glove on.”

“But you’ve had your arm inside a horse’s cooter, right?”

“Sorry,” a deep voice interrupted, and when I turned my head, I had to tip it back to see the face of the guy it belonged to. He was tall—like, all the way up in the air kind of tall. It killed me to acknowledge it, too, but he was also hot as hell. How did Santana get anything done around here with all of this around her? “Marcus, man, I need to get in there and help her out now.”

Seeing he had a long blue glove on his arm—his entire arm—I realized he was the one going horse twat diving today.

Holding his arm out, he waited as Marcus pressed the plunger and dispensed an eye-watering amount of lube from hand to bicep, then he walked quickly into Gibraltar’s stall, moved her tail out of the way, and then—

Ah, fuck. He really had his whole arm in there.

Pressing my hands to my eyes, I tried to forget what I’d just witnessed, but it was hard. I understood that this was all part of the process, but Jesus, I’d never come across something like that before, and it was a shock to the system.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist as a firm chest pressed against my back, but I didn’t move my hands away.

“Baby, it’s okay. We sometimes have to do it to help the mare and her foal out.”

“Good. Great.” I did one last press of the heels of my hands into my eyes and then lowered them slowly. The sight that greeted me was different from the last one. The dude with the gloved arm was now pulling something out of her vagina. “Ah, hell, I’m going to be sick.”