Before I could explain the easiest way to get her cute butt in the seat behind me, she was on.

“I’m gonna drop this off at home and swap it out for the truck. We’ll take it another day when the weather’s a bit nicer. I just don’t trust it not to rain again.”

“Whatever you think’s best.”

This was something I’d liked about her from the second I’d met Adrienne—she was easy-going and laid back. I wasn’t a dictator or anything close to it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I swayed more toward the easy way of life—no stress and arguing being a huge part of it. The fact that she matched my personality seemed almost impossible. I’d noticed it in Kissimmee, but in the last six months, I’d started to believe that I’d made it up about her.

Apparently my mind wasn’t delusional.

Unfortunately, my mind had also been caught up in work and getting this date ready, so I hadn’t done the wise thing like look at the weather forecast for the day. Just as we left her place to head up to mine, the heavens opened, and it was like a wall of water came down.

Fuck. Even if I swapped the bike for the truck, this wasn’t picnic weather.

Some men are good at making up ideas on the fly. My dad’s one of them. He could be in this situation, and within thirty seconds, he’d have an excellent backup plan ready to go. All I could do was think fuck, fuck, fuck.

The rain was so heavy that by the time I drove into the covered space for my bike, both of us were drenched and covered in mud from the unavoidable puddles everywhere.

Killing the motor, I braced myself for her calling me an idiot or asking me to take her home, but instead, I felt her body moving against mine. Shit, was she crying?

Just as I turned to apologize, the sound of her laughter echoing around us broke the silence.

At least it was laughter and not tears.

“Oh, my God,” she gasped, pressing her head against my back.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Addy. That wasn’t what I had planned for today.”

For some reason, this just made her laugh even harder.

Hearing footsteps running across the gravel to where we were, I waited for whoever it was to see us. “Hey, are you going out on your bike in thi—,” Remy started, then cut off. “Oh, shit. Uh, what in the hell were you thinking?”

His deep bellow of laughter made me sigh as I reached back and tapped Addy’s leg.

“Baby, can you swing your leg over and stand so I can get off?”

It was as she raised it that I noticed her jeans were no longer the faded blue they’d been when I’d first picked her up. Now, they were covered with so much mud, there were only small blue patches showing through.

For some reason, standing up just made her laugh even harder. “I look like I’ve got mud chaps on,” she snickered as I stood up, her words immediately drawing my attention to her crotch.

Son of a bitch.

It was a struggle, but I managed to pull my eyes off the region and look back at my best friend, who’d rocked back on his heels and was watching us with a grin on his face.

His eyes were dancing as he looked between us. “So, did you forget something? Maybe like the fact it was going to piss down with rain today?”

I didn’t like this Remy. I preferred the quiet one who didn’t say anything.

Then again, as Addy began laughing all over again, I had to begrudgingly accept the fact he was doing me a favor. The more she lowered her guard, the less awkward the date would go. If she was relaxed, I stood a better chance at it going well—mud chaps and all.

Still, I glared at him anyway. “Laugh it up, fucker.” When I looked over at her, my expression softened instantly. “Looks like we’re going to need to adjust our plans, baby.”

“Does that mean we can factor in a shower?” She gestured from her head down to her feet. “I’m thinking the only part of me that isn’t covered in mud is probably my hair where I had the helmet on.”

“And the parts covered in clothing,” Remy pointed out.

Shaking her head, she shifted from foot to foot and grimaced. “Nope, I can confirm that isn’t a fact. If water and mud haven’t soaked through the fabric in an area, then it’s definitely gone down any gap it can find.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, so I didn’t groan out loud.

Reading my expression correctly, Remy turned his back on us, but the shaking of his shoulders gave him away.

“Why are you here?” I clipped, making him laugh even harder. “Jesus.”