“Holy shit,” I breathed. “I don’t—”

This time when Marcus cut me off, it was with a kiss that I swear I’d never forget. How he managed to keep control at a moment like this was beyond me, but each flick and lick of his tongue into my mouth was calm, and I felt it in my soul. Well, that was until his thumb joined in on what his hand was doing between my legs and began rubbing my clit. That’s when I didn’t feel anything except for what was going on down there.

Tearing my mouth away from his, I groaned and gasped in air as my back arched. Using this, Marcus began kissing down my body until he got to my pussy, and then he took over from his thumb and sucked the bundle of nerves into his mouth while his fingers repeatedly fluttered over the spot inside me.

It hit me like a freight train. One second I was reaching desperately for it, the next, I was catapulted over the edge as each muscle in my body tensed up and then released like an explosion. Just as one wave would end, another would start, and the damn man never stopped doing what he was doing throughout it, drawing it out even longer.

When it finally left me, I collapsed on the bed, gasping. I gave not one shit that my legs were still wide apart or that I was starfished naked on his bed. Heck, Marcus could have been doing cartwheels around the room for all I knew.

Lifting one of my legs, he swept his lips from my ankle to my knee, an oddly sweet move as my body came back online.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

I blinked as I stared up at the ceiling. Was I? Did a donkey shit wherever it wanted to?

“Yeah,” I croaked, hooking the leg he wasn’t holding around his waist and using it to tug him closer.

“You ready for what’s next?” His voice was deep and had a slight growl added in, making it sound dark, sexy, and dangerous.

“Fuck, yeah!”

I could see his muscles moving as he did something, but then he leaned over me, bracing his weight on his left arm. A glance down showed that he was using his other hand to guide his cock to my entrance.

“Dreamed of this, baby,” he said, his voice soft this time but no less hot than before. “Dreamed of you in my bed, your hair splayed out around you while you looked up at me. I thought a lot about what you’d look like naked, but none of my dreams did you justice.” He stopped as he pressed his shaft into me, the tip going roughly an inch inside. “Fuck me, but you’re perfection.”

I had arguments against that opinion, small tits being one of them, but I’d bring those out later when he wasn’t pushing inside me, one delicious inch at a time.

“I dreamed of this, too,” I admitted, smiling when he lifted my leg and wound it around his waist, effectively angling me up to his descent inside me. “My vibrator sucks in comparison.”

The words made him huff out a laugh, but it was true. If this was what it was like with only half of him inside me, I’d never be the same again once this was over. I was either going to have to get an upgrade, or I’d have to just put it in the trash and forget about battery-operated boyfriends—or my version, B.O.M., Battery Operated Marcus—for good.

That was an exciting yet also depressing prospect.

“You’re like a hot fist around me, squeezing the hell out of me,” he breathed, withdrawing slowly and then plunging into me with speed this time, catching me off guard. Doing the move again a couple of times, he finally had his entire length inside me.

“Wait,” I begged, writhing slightly and wiggling my hips until I’d adjusted to his size.

“Are you okay?”

His concern was touching, especially at a time like this, and I smiled softly up at him, breezing my thumb over his jaw. “I’m so full, I feel like I’m gonna burst.” When he frowned down at me with concern, I added, “It’s an amazing feeling.”

Marcus swallowed audibly as he squeezed his eyes shut when I wiggled again. “Jesus Christ. Can I move?”

“Oh, yeah.”

His eyes opened again at the same time as he withdrew until just the tip was inside me.

“You want this hard and fast, or soft and slow, baby?”

“Hard and fast,” I confirmed, then amended it to, “Really hard.”

Placing his hands on the top of my thighs, he pulled me down the bed until my ass touched his legs, leaving me with my legs at a forty-five-degree angle to my body and my shins butting up against his stomach. The move also pushed his entire length back inside me.