Belinda is preparing a feast for us tomorrow, and I've offered to bring my infamous dessert. I only bake it a few times a year and look forward to it each time. On a whim, I stop and pick up a couple of steaks. After chatting with Archer this morning, I realized he probably hasn’t eaten a decent meal in years. While I’m no Chef Ramsay, I can make meat and potatoes.

Sassy barks the second I walk into the house. My arms are filled with grocery bags, so I can’t pet her.

“Chill, girl. Let me set these down before you bite my ankles off.”

As soon as I kick the front door shut, Archer’s in front of me, grabbing the bags from my grip.

“Let me help.”

“Oh. Thanks. In the kitchen’s fine,” I say, tossing off my heels.

“I know where it all goes,” he tells me.

I mentally slap myself for insinuating he wouldn’t.

“Hope you’re hungry,” I say as I unpack everything.

“Sure, I could eat.” He flashes a boyish grin. “Can I help?”

Before I can answer, Sassy’s at my side, begging for attention. I set the steaks on the counter, then lean down to pet her.

“Were you a good girl today?”

“Only nipped at me three times,” Archer responds. “Better than the five yesterday.”

I try to hold back a laugh but fail. “With that progression, she’ll be your bestie in about two days.”

“You bought ribeyes?” he asks, eyeing the items I haven't put away yet.

“Yep. Hope you like baked potatoes and sweet corn. Went to the store for cake ingredients and came out with a week’s worth of stuff.”

“I do, but you didn’t have to do that for me.”

I lift my head and meet his eyes. “Would you rather watch me eat instead? I heard some guys are into that fetish…”

He scratches his cheek. “Hm, yeah. Tyler warned me you were a smart-ass.”

I smile widely at the compliment and playfully poke his shoulder. “And it’d be best if you didn’t forget it.”

After I ask him what temperature he’d like his steak, I get to work in the kitchen. An hour later, we’re both full and satisfied from the impromptu feast I made. We talked some while we ate, but he’s guarded with his past. I don’t push him and am okay with what he’s comfortable sharing.

“That was the best meal I’ve ever had,” he tells me as he rinses the dishes.

“Wait till you taste my dessert.”


“Oh my God, that sounded way more sexual than it should’ve. I meant, the cake I’m baking for tomorrow.”

He fights a smirk. “What kind?”

I lick my lips, then grin. “Better than Sex cake.”

He stares at me for a minute, probably waiting to see if I’m messing with him, but I just grin. “Trust me. You’ll orgasm before you swallow the first bite.”

Archer watches and listens as I ramble on about random small-town gossip while I mix the ingredients. He probably doesn’t care that much, but he humors me.

Once I place the pan in the oven, I clean up, but Archer quickly jumps to his feet and grabs the bowl. “Let me do that for you.”

His hands cover mine, and I swallow hard before meeting his eyes. “You don’t have to.”

“Let me. I feel useless otherwise.”

“Alright.” I release my grip, then fill the bowl with utensils.

He sets it in the sink and fills it with water. I wipe the counter, and Archer gently takes my wrist. “Stop. Go sit.”

I contemplate arguing but decide against it. “I’m not used to having help, so you’ll have to forgive me,” I tell him.

He drops my arm and smirks. “Well as long as I’m here, you don’t have to do everything. I’ve spent years feeling like a burden. Plus, I like having things to do.”

“I’m sure Tyler will keep you plenty busy at the gym.” I grab my wineglass and refill it. Taking a sip, I happily watch the show in front of me.

Archer’s biceps tense under his sleeves, and it’s hard not to imagine him manhandling me in bed. Veins pop down his forearms to his hands, and I wonder how it’d feel to have his fingers wrapped around my throat.


I blink to clear my inappropriate thoughts. “I’m sorry. What?”

“I asked where your dishwasher detergent was.”

“Oh, sorry. Um…left cabinet underneath the sink.”

Archer continues cleaning in silence as I drink my wine and admire him. Tyler demanded I stay away from Archer, and that’s not fair.

Especially since I’m already tempted as hell to break all the rules.

The following morning, I wake up and immediately smell hazelnut brewed coffee. It takes me a second to remember that I didn’t set the timer. I open my door and scan the living room. My gaze lands on a shirtless Archer opening the fridge and pulling out the bottle of creamer. Sassy watches him with amazement as she sits and drools over the view. Same, girl, same.