Jag laughed and punched his arm. “They love those tight ass pants you wear, that’s all.”

“Try it sometime, you might get some action from someone other than your hand.” Lasso laughed, cracking himself up.

“All right, any new business?” Cross looked around the room, his expression serious as fuck. “No? Then we’re done.”

Thank fuck. I was on my feet and walking away when Max caught up to me. “What’s your beef with Mandy?”

“I have no beef with her, or anyone,” I said a little too innocently based on his skeptical expression.

“Cut the shit. Tate said you acted like a real asshole to her at his shop. He also said she gave you the cold shoulder.”

True. “Why is she even invited to your wedding?”

“Not that I owe you an explanation, but Teddy likes her and so does Jana. They’re trying to become her friends so whatever your problem with her is, get over it. Or keep your distance.”

“Fine,” I told him with a little more anger than I really felt and a whole lot more than he deserved. Then I walked away. Max was right. I had no excuse for my behavior. Hell, even I didn’t know what was wrong with me.

Maybe I should just keep my distance.

Chapter 5


Another shift over and I felt pretty damn good. A few different tables had requested my presence to rave about my profiteroles with Irish cream and brandy infused chocolate. Landry hated it, called it elementary and derivative, which I admitted, it might be. But it was also a customer favorite and usually sold out before lunch was over. A well-known morning show duet who filmed live daily in Las Vegas raved about them on air last week and Landry had reluctantly agreed to let me make more. His sour mood couldn’t dampen mine, though, because it was nice to know someone out there appreciated the way I sweated my ass off in the Führer’s kitchen.

My smile dimmed as I pushed back into the kitchen, breezing by Landry’s extra round midsection and heavy breathing like I didn’t notice it.

“I hope you told them that your supposed genius was all under my instruction,” he barked.

I said nothing in reply as I removed my apron, hat and chef’s coat, grabbed my shit and got the fuck out of Dodge. If I stayed another minute I might say — or do — something that would get me fired. Nothing could dampen my mood, not today. I pushed the door open and felt the hot desert sun beat down on my face.

“That’s the shit,” I practically purred. You’d think I wouldn’t want to feel the sun after spending ten hours in a hot kitchen with nearly a dozen ovens going at once. But the fresh air and sunshine was just what I needed.

Apparently, Krissy hadn’t gotten the message to stay away.

“Get off my car,” I told her, my tone dark and threatening.

Eyes wide, she pushed off, and crossed her arms. Doing her best to look tough.

“Or what?”

“Krissy, don’t fuck with me today.” She didn’t move quick enough and I invaded her space, close enough that I could smell the cigarette stink with every breath.

“I’ll leave you alone, when you agree.”

I laughed. Between her and Savior, I was all full up on people from my past coming back to haunt me. It made me reconsider the intelligence of moving back to this damn city.

“I’ll never agree, Krissy. No matter what you and your thugs think you can do to scare me. I’ll just push back even harder.”

Her thin lips curled into a sneer. “It would be a shame if your new employer found out about your past, somehow.”

And now we’ve moved on to other threats. “Go right ahead and maybe I’ll talk to the casinos about your ruthless scams.” Her eyes grew wide because she knew they would ban her sorry ass before the sun set on the day.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.” I stepped even closer so she had to lean back to gain some distance. “I’m not some scared, lonely teenager anymore, Krissy. Whatever you think you can do to me, just remember it goes both ways.”

I pointed a finger at the center of her head. “If you can’t take a hint,” I applied just enough pressure to let this bitch know I meant business before pulling back. “I’ll be happy to make it easier to understand. Got it?”