He leaned in to whisper in Wendy’s ear, his hand on her lower back. Apparently the guy just liked to rub his paws all over women. Slick Asshole pulled back and gave a solemn nod before they both approached . . . Mandy.


They pulled her aside into a huddle, talking quietly for a few minutes before they pulled apart. Mandy’s expression was impassive, her hands clasped in front of her as she stood between the suit and the newswoman.

“And we’re back!” The director pointed to Wendy with her anchorwoman smile fixed on her face.

“We’re back for the First Annual Siren Blackjack Tournament and a little bit of excitement has gone down on our break. We have the disqualification of a player and Siren owner and CEO Drake Foster is here to explain.”

Slick Asshole was disqualifying her? What the fuck?

“Thank you, Wendy, that’s right. It’s come to my attention that Mandy will be our new chef at the gourmet confectionery that will open in a few months. The Chocolate Drop will be the best place for high end sweets in all of Las Vegas, just as soon as Mandy here has recovered from some injuries.” He wrapped an arm around Mandy, who gave him a shaky smile. “Though her employment here hasn’t technically started, management and I agree that for the sake of fairness, it would be best if she withdrew from the tournament. Sorry, Mandy. We don’t want to give the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

He smiled and handed his mic back to Wendy before escorting Mandy away from the final table.

I needed to know what the fuck was going on. I followed them down the hall, surprised when no big ass security men tackled me to the ground.

“Mandy!” She stopped and turned. Slick Asshole did the same. She looked relieved while he looked anxious as my stride ate up the distance between us. I cupped her face in my hands, looking into those green eyes just to make sure she was all right.

“You scared the hell out of me! Don’t ever do that again,” I told her and yanked her into my arms, holding her tight until I was sure she was safe.

“Everything okay here, Mandy?” His skin paled under that fake ass spray tan when I glared at him.

I was about to tell the asshole to fuck off when another voice sounded.

“Yo, Mandy!” The tension I felt snaking through her told me it was trouble before I turned and spotted a Roadkill mother fucker I was familiar with. Scorch.

“Stay back,” I growled at them both, pushing Mandy directly behind me.

“I have security,” Slick Asshole said, a tremble of fear in his voice.

“Yeah, where the fuck are they, then?”

I kept my attention on Scorch, enforcer for Roadkill MC and a sick fucker who got off on hurting people. “Scorch, don’t be stupid.”

He smiled. “This ain’t about you or the Reckless Bastards, Savior. We want the bitch, she owes us.”

“I don’t owe you shit,” she shouted over my shoulder. That was my girl, feisty as ever.

“You heard the lady, man. Don’t make me do something you might regret.”

Scorch tossed his head back and laughed, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to prove he wasn’t scared, but he was. Because while Scorch was a psychopath, he knew I was a fucking killer.

“You can’t protect the bitch forever. She has a debt to pay, cash or ass.”

“You willing to bet your life that I can’t protect her forever?”

“Savior, don’t,” Mandy whispered in my ear, fueling my intensity to protect her.

“You willing to bet your life for a piece of ass?” Scorch laughed like it was the biggest joke in the world and it took every fucking ounce of control I had not to charge him and choke him until he was permanently silent.

I smiled a deadly smile that had made more than one grown man piss his pants. “Damn straight I am. Have you seen my girl’s sweet ass? If you had a brain you’d leave now, before the security goons and the law shows up.”

I backed Mandy up and punched the call button on the elevator because this asshole wouldn’t stop. The debt Krissy owed was big enough that he’d risk the life of a few of his brothers to get it back.

“I texted Teddy our location,” she whispered, hands on my shoulders, keeping me calm even though she didn’t know it. I couldn’t be reckless, not with Mandy so close to the line of fire.

My hand reached out to pat her hip. “That’s my girl.”