“Must be,” I agreed in a grave voice. “And I thought it was me.”

“You may have played a small part,” she said with a laugh and pushed away, paddling back towards the beach.

“Who you callin’ small, woman?” I said, stroking after her.

“Don’t worry, Savior, you were more than adequate.” She giggled as she widened the gap between us.

But I was determined to paddle faster. “You can’t run far enough from that, sweetheart!”

“I have excellent upper body strength. I’m a pastry chef!”

My body flamed at the reminder of her strong arms and hands. “I’m bigger.”

“Again with the size?” She couldn’t hold in her laughter after that, making it easy to catch up with her. “You’re a big guy, Savior.”

I snorted. “Yeah, thanks. But I know you remember exactly how big I am.”

Her cheeks flamed red, nostrils flared.

“I do. Sometimes I swear I can still feel you inside me.”

How was I not supposed to tip her board over and take her, hard and fast in the ocean, when she said shit like that to me?

“What time is your spa stuff with the girls?”

Her eyes widened and I knew any plans I’d been making with Mandy and my cock would have to wait.

“Shit, I forgot. What time is it?” She didn’t wait for answer, just grabbed my wrist, gasping when my knuckles brushed against one hard titty. “I have to go.”

“You sure?” I brushed a hand across the soft skin of her belly, reveling in the way she jumped at my touch. The way I affected her.

“Unfortunately, I am.”

“I hate that, but later you’re mine.” She nodded and brushed my lips against hers, soft and tender. Anything more than that and I’d say fuck both our schedules and carry her back up to the room. We’d reached the beach and she lifted the board out of the water like it was a feather.

“There’s a bridesmaid robe for you on the bed.”

She laughed. “I have no response to that. See you later.”

“Later,” I said too quiet for her to hear, but it didn’t matter because my focus was on her ass and the sway of her hips as she walked away. A little extra swing just for me.


“Man you have been moping all day! That cute little fairy got her hooks into you deep.”

Lasso laughed and clapped my back too damn hard as he sat beside me at the table on the beach. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner, but I didn’t get it. People have been getting married since religion was invented and they didn’t need a practice day for it. As far as I was concerned, though, all the free food and booze was good enough reason to party.

“I’m not moping, asshole. I’m pensive.”

“Oh, that’s a ten-dollar word. Jag, get me a twenty!”

“Yeah, real funny, Lasso.” I punched his shoulder, making him groan.

“So, if you’re not thinking about that sexy little baker, what’s on your mind?”

Shit, like I could tell him I couldn’t stop thinking about Mandy. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. It was just the sex that had me going a little crazy. “Just life, brother.”

He barked out a laugh. “If that’s what you need to tell yourself, man. But I saw you two earlier in the water. You looked real cozy to me. Like those two over there,” he said, pointing to a young couple who were sucking each other’s faces right on the beach for everyone to watch. “There’s no harm in wanting a woman, especially a fine one like that.”