She rolled her eyes and walked away, giving me a long look at the sweet curve of her ass. Firm but meaty, enough to hold on to when the fucking got way too good.

“I didn’t realize you were looking for me.”

“Even with that pretty little face of yours honey, you ain’t sellin’ innocent.”

She shrugged and grinned. “It was worth a shot. Look, I told you I don’t need you checking up on me and I figured Teddy told you about my window and you were coming around to He-Man someone over it.”

I laughed. “With these good looks, I’m more of a Batman.” She wasn’t far off the mark otherwise though. “Who says I didn’t come for sex?”

“Did you?”

Her nipples poked through the tank top and my mouth watered because I knew she had a bra on; the blue cotton peeked over the swell of her cleavage.

She was turned on by my suggestion. “Would that be all right?”

She shrugged. “Other than the fact it would be a massive mistake? Hell yeah.” She stood, half eager and half hesitating before her shoulders fell. “What are you doing here, Savior?”

“Did you get your window fixed?”


“Are you going to the wedding?” She nodded and I had to clamp my teeth together to stop from screaming at her stubborn ass.

“I am.”

“Did you make sure you got a room at the hotel with us?” I knew she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, because it was like her fucking mantra, never wanting anyone’s help. But San Diego was a tourist town and she was a petite woman who stood no chance against a strong, determined man.

“No. I’m coming the day of the wedding and leaving that night.”

“Fuck no.”

She took a step back. “Excuse me? Who do you think you are?”

“I don’t want to hear it, Mandy. You’re not driving all that way, not alone. I’ll pick you up.”

Why the fuck was I being so high handed with her?

“Go to hell, Savior. I’m not your kid, not your sister and I am not your responsibility!”

She began to push at me with everything she had, which was a lot, but we both knew I only moved because I wanted to. “Get out and go find someone else to babysit and harass!”

“But you’re my favorite person to harass,” I told her with a wry grin.

“Go away,” she groaned but I could see the way her lips twitched, like she was hiding her smile. “I’ll see you around.”

“You will. I’ll pick you up at nine on Thursday morning. Don’t be late.” She grunted at me and continued to push me toward the door. When we were close I flipped our positions and pressed her against the door, pushing my body against her enough to make her react but not enough to hurt. “Got it?”

She looked up at me and those icy green eyes darkened to jade to go along with that sexy gasp she couldn’t stop if she wanted to.

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

Her voice was husky because she couldn’t control how her body responded to me, but she meant what she said.

“Damn you’re so fucking frustrating.” Her eyes lit with mischief as my mouth crashed down on hers, devouring the sweet lemony flavor on her tongue, the soft slick of her plump lips against mine. The way her fingers looped through my waistband possessively sent all the blood in my body straight to my cock. Her small, wiry arms wrapped around my neck and she jumped into my arms, wrapped her legs around my waist so her hot pussy was right where I wanted it. I squeezed her ass and she sucked on my tongue, moaning from deep in her belly.

She felt so good in my arms that I wished we were both naked, so I could thrust deep, impale her on my cock. And I knew she’d let me and she wouldn’t even be self-conscious about being all sweaty from working out or cleaning. I didn’t care, in fact I liked her like this. My mouth watered to taste more of her. She pulled back, her eyes hazy with desire. Slowly surprise took over.

“You . . . you are dangerous. I’ll see you when I get to San Diego, Savior. Not before.”