Cooper groaned into my ear, the sound muffled by my hair as it fell forward over my shoulders and across his chest. I arched back and flung my hair back as I rode him. The pressure was building inside of me and when Cooper reached forward and slid his fingers between my legs and started working at my clit again, I crashed over the edge again with no warning.

“Shit!” I yelped as I convulsed and Cooper’s hand instantly flew to cover my mouth.

He grabbed me and pushed me off his lap and for a split second, I panicked, thinking he was going to leave me. But, before the thought could even fully develop into full-blown fear, he was on top of me. He grabbed my wrists together in one hand and pulled my arms above my head. He drove into me over and over again, each thrust harder than the one before as I continued to convulse and shudder under him, a new orgasm building before the last one had even finished gushing through my tensed body.

His grip on my wrists was firm, but not painful, and I didn’t try to struggle. But the knowledge that even if I attempted to struggle, that he would hold me still make me shake and quiver with another layer of excitement.

Cooper pulsed hard and fast and I could feel him thicken inside me, his arousal only making my own seem sharper and more electric. I arched back, wrapped my legs around his hips and I felt him release. He steadied for a minute, his eyes still locked on mine, and then he relaxed down against me. He released my wrists and I instantly wrapped my arms around his solid back, feeling the defined muscles start to relax as he caught his breath.

We lay together, all wrapped up, a perfect mesh of his hard lines and my soft curves.

The moment seemed so perfect—minus the buzz of co-workers outside the door—as I lay against Cooper’s chest. He placed his lips against my forehead and held them there.

Chapter Seven

It seemed that neither of us wanted to be the first to pull away, but the increasingly loud office noises were getting harder and harder to ignore from outside my office door.

“See, this is where a hotel room would be beneficial,” I said, my lips poised above Cooper’s ear as he rested against my breasts. “Why?” he asked.

“Well, how are we getting out of here?” I asked.

Cooper pushed his body weight off of me and I instantly missed his warm skin pressed against mine. He sat up and ran his hands through his short hair, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched him for a moment.

“Cooper, who is Angela McKinnon?”

He whipped around and his eyes flashed as he stared at me.

A twist of panic wrapped around my stomach and I immediately regretting letting the stupid question pass through my lips. I didn’t even really know where it had come from. Somewhere between stopping the hacker, opening up to Cooper, and falling asleep in his arms, I had finally managed to push the nagging question to the back of my mind. But there it was…popping up again…at the worst possible time.

Cooper stood off the couch and hurried to put his pants back on. He slipped his jacket back on and took his time with the buttons. He avoided my eye contact, and for a moment, I thought he was going to leave without even saying goodbye to me.

“We have a lot of work to do. Don’t you think?” he said. He stood over me, fully dressed, and I felt completely naked even though I was technically still wearing my stockings, a bra, and panties—although they were probably torn apart by now.

I shifted on the couch and stood up, ignoring Cooper’s question and turning my back to him as I redressed myself. I pulled my skirt back on, buttoned my shirt, and only once my blazer and high heels were back on did I spin back around to face him.

“Yes, I guess we do.”

Rage had swept aside all lingering feelings of lust as I stared him down. I mentally cursed myself for even thinking that he might have changed. He was the same Cooper that he’d been the entire time. He knew exactly what to do…what kind of games to play…to get what he wanted.

That’s all this was, right? Just a game to him.

He thought that since he’d gotten me to open up and talk about my childhood and fall asleep on him, that somehow that equated to me being ripe for the picking again, and he could get back in my panties.

I cringed, realizing that it had worked. Again. I had to give him credit—he was the best gamer I’d ever encountered.

But it was done. I was done.

“I’ll check in with you later, then,” he said, his face masked and unchanging as he ripped open the office door and swept out.

As soon as the door was closed, I sank into the chair behind my desk and stared blankly over at the couch. My mind was racing with so many thoughts and emotions that I feared I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

Why was it that every time something like this happened, I was the one left feeling insecure and heartbroken and he could just vanish into thin air, like I didn’t mean anything to him?

Because you don’t, Allie. You’re just a piece of ass.

I buried my face in my hands and pressed my thumbs against my eyes, trying to hold off the flood of tears that was rapidly welling up inside of me.

I knew there was no way I was going to be able to get anything done, and I really couldn’t bear the thought of parading around the office in the same outfit as the day before, so I gathered my purse and fled, hoping that I could get out of the building without anyone noticing me.