I shook my head. “Because I’m still not your responsibility. And even if you or any of the other Bastards think otherwise, I wouldn’t trust you to have my back anyway.”


That one word held so much emotion, like a perfect bite of food. He was shocked, hurt even.

“You don’t pull any punches.”

“Well, you won’t stop pushing. Now you know what the deal is, you don’t have to keep checking up on me. I’ve learned how to take care of myself over the years.”

His dark brows rose suspiciously. “Even those goons from the parking lot?”

“They’re not the first goons I’ve come across.” But with any luck, they would be the last. Goons were all fine and good in the movies, in real life they were a lot dumber and ten times as dangerous. “Like I said, I can take care of myself.”

Savior tried to stand and stumbled. Since it was the first time he stood in hours it was clear he was drunker than he thought.


He wobbled and pointed at me. “For the record sweet Mandy, I don’t do shit I don’t want to do.”

Savior dropped back down onto my sofa and I stood, scanning the room for a bucket even though I was pretty sure I didn’t have a bucket at all.

“Fine. Just lie down and don’t puke on my shit.” I pushed him onto his back and went to pour a cup of water. “Drink this.”

“I’m fine. Not the first time I’ve been drunk before, tough ass.”

I laughed and took off his ridiculously heavy motorcycle boots. At least I assumed they were the real article, but they could just as easily be a fashion statement.

“I’m not surprised but unlike your tree house, I care if you get puke all over my stuff.”

“Club house.”

“What?” He couldn’t be that drunk, could he? Not when I only had a nice buzz going.

“It’s a club house not a fucking tree house. We’re men, not elves.”

My whole body shook with laughter. “I don’t know, Savior, your club shares plenty of similarities with elves. The only real difference is your size.”

One eye popped open, as blue as the sky. “Am I that drunk or did you seriously just compare my club to elves?”

“Both of those things are true, old man. You can sleep on the sofa until you’re sober enough to drive home.” I grabbed his chin until he opened both eyes and yeah, he was beautiful but that wasn’t the point. “But I don’t need you to check up on me, okay?”

He nodded and as I stepped back two big arms wrapped around me and pulled me down onto him.

“You talk too much,” he said and then speared both hands through my short hair and kissed me like I was his favorite brand of biker whiskey.

I should have pulled back, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. He tasted too good, felt too fucking good with his hard body pressed up against mine. I wished we were naked because he was growing harder by the second and my body was hot, wet and ready. But we weren’t doing that. Fuck.

“That’s a novel way to shut someone up.”

He flashed a lazy grin, his eyes still closed as his thumb brushed my jaw. “I check up on you because I want to. I fucked you because you’re hot and I will fuck you again,” he grinned but it was softer, and I knew he was seconds from passing out. “And again.”

I slid off his body as soon as his deep, even breaths sounded. Grabbing the debris from the table and putting it away before I closed myself up in my bedroom. I slid into the bed and clenched my knees tight beneath my comforter as I drifted off to sleep, telling my body not to think or dream about the big, blue-eyed devil asleep on my sofa.

Yeah, sometimes my body could be a real bitch.


“You want time off?” Landry’s voice bellowed just as he meant it to. He loved to draw attention whenever he could, but especially when he wanted to humiliate someone. It was how he got his chubby little cock hard.