I lean in. "So far, you are not very good at teaching."

A burst of nervous giggles escapes her, and Bee smiles. My heart feels as if it skips a beat in my chest, and I decide I like her smile even more than her arousal scent. I hunger for her, true, but…I want her to smile at me more than anything. All of the wet, perfumed cunts in the universe mean nothing if Bee is afraid of me. "You keep distracting me," Bee chides. "Hush if you want to learn."

"Consider me hushed."

That smile continues to play around her lips, and she tilts her head, thinking. Her fingers brush over my heart, and it takes everything I have to keep my tail from flicking in response to that light, pleasurable touch. My cock is hard and aching, but I ignore it. Right now, my entire focus is on Bee, and Bee's mouth. Bee's voice. "So when two people decide to take their relationship to the next level…they kiss." Her fingers trace small circles on my skin.

"Go on."

"You're really going to make me describe it, aren't you?"

"I really am." I am loving how she wriggles on my thigh, her expression consternated. "Please, go on."

Bee gives a gusty sigh, tapping a finger on my chest. "Okay, well…you move in close to one another, and you brush lips." She pauses, her gaze going to my mouth, and I wonder what she is thinking when she looks at it. It is not an attractive mouth, I know that. "Sometimes you just rub lips for a while. Or not really rubbing lips. It's more of a graze. A tease. A promise of what's to come. You're testing the waters, feeling each other out. So you press your mouth to the other person's in small, delicate brushes. You let the excitement build."

I remain silent, not wanting to interrupt. Her scent is everywhere, her expression soft as she regards my face.

"Then at some point, one of you starts wanting more." Her voice is a mere whisper, her fingers like brands against my skin as she leans closer to me. Her breath fans against my skin, and our faces are near, but she does not close the gap between us. "You make the kiss a little deeper, a little more intense. You take things to the next level. You brush your tongue against the other person's lips, asking to be let in, and that's when it really becomes…special." She makes a breathless little sound. "Kisses are fine, but it's when you add in tongue that it really becomes pleasurable. It's like you're tasting the other person and teasing them at the same time. Not hard licks, of course. Soft, sensual licks. Slow licks that tell your partner what you'd be like in bed together. A sensual lick that promises other good licks." Her lashes flutter and her gaze goes to my mouth again, her fingers tracing the lines of my pectoral. "Maybe that's not what other people think of when they kiss, but I do. It's about giving pleasure to your partner. Making sure that with every flick of your tongue, every brush of your lips, you're making sure that they're enjoying themselves as much as you are. It's almost like a dance. And if one partner is clumsy, it can ruin everything."

"I would not be clumsy," I promise her. Isn't that what I have wanted all along? To watch and see what pleasures her and repeat that? "So the tongue in the mouth…this is how you come?"

Bee's startled gaze goes to my eyes. "What? N-no, you need more stimulation for that."

"So…two tongues," I say gravely, keeping my face bland.

She sputters. "Two tongues? No! I mean—" She smacks my chest with a light hand, realizing I am teasing her. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"Three tongues, then?"

Her choked laughter is followed by another charming smack on my skin. Her hand is so small, the slap so light that it is nothing more than a tickle, but I like that she feels free enough to touch my bare skin as she likes. "Here I am trying to be serious," she says with a chuckle, "and you're mocking me."

"Not mocking. Just trying to figure out the best way to pleasure you." I smile at her, stroking my hand up and down her back, just because she feels so good in my arms. "What if I have one big tongue instead of many tongues, but I promise to lick you well?"

Bee's breathing stutters, and her gaze flicks to my mouth again. Suddenly all of my teasing disappears, and I want nothing more than to kiss her and taste her. To tease her with my tongue like she said. She licks her lips, and I wonder if my mouth is revolting to her. Her teeth are small and square. Mine are dangerous and sharp, with the ever-present tusks that jut out of my lower jaw and curve up to dig into my cheek. Her lips are soft-looking and dusky pink, and mine are…not.