“Ashley, you’re the best mom I’ve ever known.” Beth’s voice rang with conviction. “For the past eleven years, you’ve given Kevin everything he could possibly need. He’s a wonderful boy, and he already has everything inside of him that it will take to be a fine man one day. Nothing you do from this point forward is going to change that. And if he ever has any questions about anything that anyone says about you or anyone else he cares about, he knows where to go for answers. He won’t hesitate to ask either, because that’s how you’ve brought him up.”

“But after coming this far with Kevin, how can I deviate from my plans now? How can I even think about doing anything as wild and crazy as being with Nash?”

“You never did like deviating from your plans,” her mother said with a small smile. “Even as a child, you would fight big changes. You have such a strong will, Ashley, and that strong will has held you in good stead all these years as a mother to Kevin, as our wonderful daughter, and as a loving and giving sister. But sometimes in life, you come to an unexpected fork in the road, and you’re forced to make a difficult decision. Do you follow your heart, even if some people may think it’s leading you astray? Or do you stay on the straight and narrow path that you’ve told yourself is the only way, even if that path no longer makes you happy?”

Ashley knew her mother was speaking straight from her heart. Nearly four decades ago, Beth had made the decision to leave Ireland with Ashley’s father. Ethan Sullivan had been divorced, which had automatically made him persona non grata in her family. And yet, she’d still followed her heart, even though she’d had a difficult relationship with her parents for many years after she’d come to the United States.

How brave her mother had been, Ashley thought, before remembering that Nash had said that about her too. You’re the bravest person I’ve ever known, Ash. There’s nothing you can’t do.

She’d discounted his words at the time, but now she had to ask herself, Was he right? Was she as brave as her mother? Could she be brave enough to choose this unexpected and terrifying path into the unknown? Could she follow her heart, even if other people might think that was the wrong thing for her to do? Could she fight whatever battles came from choosing to be with Nash, because fighting for love was always worth it, no matter how long and difficult the struggle might be?

She’d told Kevin that everyone should be given a chance to grow and learn from their mistakes and that their mistakes shouldn’t define the rest of their lives. But she hadn’t really meant it, had she? Not only with regard to Nash and the mistakes he’d made, but also her own mistakes.

She’d never truly forgiven herself for getting pregnant in high school. Nor had she given herself credit for how much she’d learned about life because of that.

“I thought it was the only way,” Ashley said softly. “I thought living a completely straight and narrow life was the only way I could make up for the mistake I made in high school. I hoped if I did everything right from the moment I found out I was pregnant with Kevin, that nothing would ever go wrong again.” She looked into her mother’s eyes. “But that’s not true, is it? I can’t protect myself forever, and I can’t protect Kevin forever either—not even if that’s what I most wish for. And the truth is that I’m a better person because I made a mistake. Instead of holding me back, my past enabled me to be who I am, and learn, and have so much more. And the same is true for Nash and his past. Everything he’s been through, the ups and the downs, have helped make him the amazing man he is today.”

“That’s right, honey.” Beth gently pressed her forehead against Ashley’s the way she used to when, as a little girl, Ashley was feeling confused or sad. “As much as your father and I have tried to protect all of you over the years, we know our only real choice is to celebrate watching you spread your wings and fly…even if we’re afraid you might fall. We have learned again and again that the most important thing we can do as parents is celebrate and support you, no matter what.” She smiled into Ashley’s eyes and squeezed her hands. “Whatever you decide about Nash, I want you to know we will love and support you as we always have and as we always will. All I’m asking you to do today is to promise me that you’ll make the right choice for you and not for anyone else.”