“I forgot about the leash,” I said to him, kissing his neck while standing on my toes.

Robyn groaned. “I don’t want to hear this. I’m gonna go talk to Mom and pretend like I don’t know anything.”

“That’s for the best,” Jarrod said. Robyn walked away, still smiling. He looked down at me and kissed my cheek. “It was a rough night. I think you can be forgiven for overlooking some things.”

“She said you left a paper trail.”

“Uncle Bernard needed motive, so I gave him some. He and Dr. Silver were working together, and Dr. Silver owed him money.”

“Where’d you plant the leash?”

“In his office at work. I figured that made more sense than leaving it at home. Less obvious.” He frowned a little, watching the detective work. “There are other clues but she hasn’t found them yet.”

“Like what?”

“Ah, come on. You really want to know and ruin the surprise?”

“You’re insane. You’re truly insane.”

“Oh, I know it.” He pulled me against him and hugged me, then kissed my lips gently. “When this is over, are you still going to want me?”

“Of course I am.”

“I know you’re charmed. I know you lust. But do you want more?”

I tilted my chin toward him. “I think I do.”

“I fell hard for you Cora. That night you asked me to kill Dr. Silver was the first night I realized you might be good for me. And now I see that you make me a better man. I love you, always will. Can’t help myself anymore.”

I blinked back tears. What a stupid thing to do—cry while that detective was watching.

I stood on my toes and kissed him. “I love you too.”

He grinned and gestured toward the truck. “We should go. I don’t think I can stay here much longer and watch this.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“How about the quarry?”

I scowled and shook my head. “Too cold for that. Plus, I’m afraid you’ll shove me over the edge.” Which was mostly true.

“Then my trailer. It’ll be nice and warm inside, at least once I start warming the place up.”

“Are you trying to get in my pants again?”

“I’m trying to strip you naked and fuck you raw and deep until your knees shake with ecstasy.”

“Well then, in that case, lead the way.” I kissed him one more time before he took my hand. We got back into his truck and he turned around while half the neighborhood watched.

I don’t fully understand how he did it. Planting the leash was one thing, but creating a false business connection? That was next level. It was evil genius level. And yet it didn’t surprise me.

If anyone could make it happen, it was Jarrod.

He drove away and I leaned against his shoulder, smiling like an idiot.



One Month Later

The whole house creaked when Jarrod came home. He smelled like a workout: sweat and leather and dirt.

“There you are.” I turned from the tiny stove and kissed his cheek but wriggled away when he tried to pull me down onto the couch.

“Not right now,” I said, shoving him away, but tumbling into his lap anyway. I laughed and kissed him, then wriggled from his arms. “Robyn’s coming over so we don’t have time.”

He sighed and leaned his head back. “Robyn. My cousin. I hoped she would stop ruining my life after I got her father arrested.”

“Weird sentence, but okay.” I tried not to smile at him as I finished making popcorn the old-fashioned way. It burst into tiny fluffy nuggets beneath the lid and made the whole pot jostle. As it slowed and stopped, I killed the heat and dumped it into a big bowl. “She’s been struggling lately. She says the house has been empty ever since you and her dad moved out.”

“Moved out isn’t exactly accurate. I moved here. He got tossed in prison without bail for murdering a guy.”

“Allegedly murdering a guy. And anyway, she’s coming over, so be nice.”

“I’m always nice.” He stood up and kissed my neck. “You sure we don’t have time?”

I turned and kissed him. “I’m sure.”

“I guess I’ll shower then.”

I grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Later.”

“I know.” He kissed me again, lingering for another second, then walked into the back of the trailer to get changed and clean up.

I sighed and slumped onto the couch. The TV was a tiny flat screen thing, but at least our satellite connection wasn’t terrible. I stretched out my legs and munched on some popcorn as the shower water turned on and the bathroom door slammed shut.

Robyn’s dad was deemed a flight risk. Apparently, he talked about a house overseas with Robyn’s mom and mentioned killing Jarrod for revenge before escaping there. The judge used that against him and denied his bail, and I suspect Jarrod had a hand in making that happen, although he wouldn’t say one way or the other. The man loved me, but he could be maddening still.