Sam must’ve ratted me out. Bastard. That or maybe they saw me get in his truck or leave it.

“Who I spend time with is none of your business.”

“So long as you live in my house—”

“Then maybe I should leave if you’re going to treat me like a child. Grow up, Dad.” I walked away before he could fume at me, which I knew he wanted to.

I collapsed onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

What was I to Jarrod?

Fuck toy, co-conspirator, murderer, secret.

Everything and nothing at all.

I smiled and closed my eyes.



Addler’s place was packed.

Robyn killed the engine and peered across my seat. “Are you sure about this? Jarrod seemed like he was in a terrible mood earlier.” She was dressed up, makeup on point, hair looking gorgeous, and I was actually jealous. Robyn was beautiful and sometimes made me feel dull in comparison.

“What else were you going to do tonight?”

“There’s this new movie—”

I cut her off, shaking my head. God, Jarrod was right, I am incredibly lame. “No, no, no. No movies. We’re young and in college. We’re going to a party.”

“But it’s a party at Addler’s. With my stupid cousin.”

“He’ll be on his best behavior.”

She sighed and opened the door. “Easy for you to say,” she grumbled, but began the trek past the groups of drunk guys and girls drinking from red cups.

I followed her, smiling to myself. If only she knew.

This time when I entered, I noticed the eyes right away. People looked at me, people that never would’ve glanced twice in my direction before. Robyn noticed the staring too and glowered at everyone like they were playing some kind of practical joke.

“Why’s everyone keep looking at you?” She made a face at a couple of young guys that were ogling me from over near the kitchen. “It’s kind of creepy.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I slipped my hand through her arm. “Oh, look, a keg.”

She sighed audibly but let me tug her over. We got cups and filled them with foamy beer, then retreated into a corner to drink and watch the crowd.

College parties were strange. Half the people were on their phones the whole time, either texting, posting, or taking pictures and videos. It was like they experienced being out through the medium of Instagram or whatever, like everything was filtered through social media. Then there was everyone else, awkwardly milling around, making small talk, drinking too much, laughing too loud.

Addler’s house was nice. I didn’t understand how he got away with these ragers—a guy with one of those stupid burly hemp stoner poncho things was sloppily making out with a picture of his mom—but I figured the rich and powerful existed in a different world. If I ever tried to have a party like this at my normal, middle-class house, my parents would slit my throat and make sure I never left my room ever again.

Which was strange, considering I was an adult, but they didn’t treat me like one.

“Why do you look go glum? Ready to leave?” Robyn waggled her eyebrows and sipped the beer. “We can still make the next showing of—”

I waved her off. “Just thinking about moving out of my parents’ house.”

“Can’t blame you there. I think about the same thing every day, but unfortunately that would cost money, which I don’t have.”

“We should get a job.”

“We could start an OnlyFans.” She looked around. “Plenty of girls here could probably show us the ropes.”

I groaned and nudged her with my elbow. “Don’t kink shame. Or cam shame? Whatever.”

“I’m being completely serious. Based on the number of weird stares we’re getting right now, I think we’d make a killing.”

She was right, there were a lot of people watching us, and I wished they’d stop. The rumors about me and Jarrod must’ve gone around the school at least a thousand times by now. I was his tutor and nothing more—except his partner in a murder—and yet any girl with proximity to him was instantly lumped in with all his other conquests.

I’d have to talk to him about that.

A strange hush fell over the crowd as the man himself came into the room. Jarrod looked around, glaring at everyone like he was looking for violence, until he spotted me and Robyn. He came over, sauntering like a lord in his castle, and loomed over the pair of us with a strange half-smile.

“You came, freak.”

“You invited me.” I raised my cup and drank some of the cheap beer down. I didn’t particularly like it, but it was better than nothing, and it took some of the edge off.

“And you brought my cousin.” He glanced at Robyn. “I didn’t realize they let anyone in here.”

“Nice to see you too,” she muttered.

I expected him to give her more shit, but instead he only looked at me with that piercing stare. “Let’s go for a walk.”