If he thought I needed an alibi, that meant he thought I was a killer.

Jarrod went after Detective Bates and I hurried along in his wake.

The detective stood on the driveway with her arms crossed, glaring like a pit viper. “Your parents aren’t very helpful.”

“They’re in shock about Dr. Silver.”

She snorted and looked away. “Funny how that happened. You know the files that got leaked were locked in my desk? Someone broke inside and grabbed them.”

“Seems like you should keep a better eye on important documents like that,” Jarrod said.

Her jaw worked and she glared hellfire at him. “I don’t know how the fuck you did it, but I know you had a hand in this.”

“Why would I leak documents about Dr. Silver to the press, and how would I have access?” He frowned at her, shaking his head. “Are you okay, Detective?”

Detective Bates looked at me. “You don’t have to cover for him. Dr. Silver was a sick piece of trash and I’m glad the man’s dead, but we can’t let people get away with murder. You know that, don’t you?”

“I’m not covering,” I said.

“You’re both lying about something.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “Your alibi’s too convenient. You’re the only people that know anything about it, and nobody can corroborate. Your parents say you’ve been tutoring Jarrod, although I suspect your father’s lying, but they don’t know what you were doing that particular night.” She took a step closer, staring straight at me, and I wondered if she had any clue how deep I was—how far I’d tumbled into Jarrod—and how unlikely it was that I’d ever crawl back out. “If you know something, you can tell me. I won’t blame you, Cora. You’re a victim. But he’s not.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Detective,” Jarrod said with a sharp tone, “and I don’t like the way you’re bullying Cora.”

“She can speak for herself,” Detective Bates snapped at him then looked back at me. “This boy might’ve done something unspeakable. He might’ve done it to a very bad man, but you know two wrongs don’t make a right. Help me, Cora, and I can help protect you. Don’t go down with this boy.”

“That’s enough, Detective,” Jarrod said. “Are you arresting us?”

She stared at me, imploring and implacable, and I looked back, wondering if she really meant what she said. If I told her what we did, would she protect me? Did she really understand?

Of course it was all bullshit. Detective Bates wouldn’t make my life any easier just because she felt pity. She had a job to do and that meant finding the killer, no matter the cost. She’d happily spin pretty lies if it meant getting me to open up and give her what he wanted.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m sorry, Detective, but I don’t know anything about why Dr. Silver died. I’m not sorry about that, though.”

She let out a breath. “I didn’t want it to come to this.”

“Come to what?” Jarrod asked.

“I’m going to investigate you. Both of you. Now all your dirty shit’s going to get aired out, and I’ll find out everything. I hoped we could do this easy and quietly, but I guess that’s not happening.” She shook her head and walked toward her car. “Good luck, you two. I really do hope you’re not lying to me.”

“I hope you catch whoever did it,” Jarrod said, “but you’re looking at the wrong people.”

Detective Bates only smiled sadly then got behind the wheel and drove away.

I watched her go, heart thumping a steady slow beat.

I should’ve been a mess. Detective Bates all but admitted she’d drag us over the coals for Dr. Silver, which meant she’d find all the holes in our story and then some. We’d burn, there was no doubt in my mind.

I moved closer to Jarrod. He put an arm over my shoulders.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Thanks for trying to defend me.”

“She’s desperate.” He squinted after her. “But she’s not wrong. We’ve had it easy so far.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’ll figure it out. For now, do nothing.”

“That’s all you ever tell me to do.” I pulled away and started pacing. “I can’t keep sitting around, hoping you’ll fix things. That’s what got us into this mess to begin with.”

“Cora, you have to trust me.”

“I do trust you. I wouldn’t have given myself to you if I didn’t.” I stopped, feeling like an idiot. Tears sprang into my eyes—not the tears of a girl overwhelmed with pleasure, but the tears of a stupid, angry, frustrated girl, ready to give up and sick of carrying her sins.

He came to me and took my hand. “I know this hurts. I promise, it won’t last forever. I won’t let it.”

“How can you know?”

“Trust me one more time. Can you do that? I have a plan. I’ve had a plan from the start.”