Which was why, as the night wore on and he teased me, fucked me, got me off, made me ride him, made me swallow his cum and thank him for it, I never once argued, never once made demands, and spent the night in complete and ceaseless bliss.



I felt like a new person. Exhausted, a pleasant ache between my legs, no longer a virgin—and freshly scrubbed and cleaned and shining bright.

I half expected Jarrod to hustle me out in the morning. We stayed up late, fucking and teasing and doing all the things I’d only ever imagined before.

We slept a few hours, before waking around sunrise only to start it all over.

He was insatiable.

Technically, I didn’t owe him anything the next morning. The night before fulfilled our contract.

He didn’t seem to care, and I didn’t argue.

He put me on all fours, licked my pussy, then fucked me with my hands behind my back until I came writhing and moaning. He made me coffee then licked my pussy while I sucked his cock before riding him until we both came in shivering ecstasy.

I took a shower. He watched the whole time, stroking himself slowly, and told me how to clean myself, where to touch and how hard, until I couldn’t take it anymore and collapsed onto the shower floor with my hand between my legs, coming wildly. He picked me up, dried me off, then carried me to bed—only to get his fill of my body.

We left the trailer around ten. He’d barely have enough time to make his game, but he didn’t seem to care.

I stared out the window, exhausted and so spent I didn’t think I’d ever recover. It was like the world was all new, and suddenly I saw possibilities I never pictured. We spent two nights together and I learned more about my body in that time than I had over all the preceding years combined.

He was quiet, brooding. A little moody. I couldn’t blame him. I felt like we were leaving something important behind.

I wished I could stay in that trailer forever.

He slowed as he approached my house and cursed.

“What’s wrong?” I sat up, suddenly alert. I shook away the memory of him fucking me while I sucked on his fingers.

“Do you recognize that car out front?”

I followed his gaze. “Detective Bates.”

He sighed, but he kept going and parked out front. I stared at him then at the house. “Shouldn’t we leave?”

“It would only look worse.”

“What do we do?”

“Go talk to the good detective.”

“But it’s Saturday. What’s she doing here on a Saturday?”

“Let’s go find out.”

I looked at him, aware of my panic but unable to do anything to stop it. “What if she knows what we did?”

“Which part? Murdering Dr. Silver or fucking all night and again this morning?”

“Both.” I groaned and pulled at my hair.

“She can know about the fucking. Might even be good for our alibi.” He looked thoughtful. “Come on. The longer we sit here, the worse it’ll look.”

He got out of the truck.

I wanted to scream after him. If we didn’t go inside, maybe this would all go away—but life didn’t work like that.

I had to face my problems.

The messed-up part was, before we killed Dr. Silver, I wouldn’t have cared if Bates threw me in prison forever. All I wanted was revenge, and anything after was a blank nothingness. I had one goal, and one goal only, and once that was complete, I could face the consequences with my head held high.

Until Jarrod gave me a reason to crave my freedom.

I hurried after him. He strode to my front door and went right in. Detective Bates sat at the table with my parents, my mother looking puffy and exhausted, my father looked annoyed and closed-off. Bates had a neutral, if slightly frustrated look on her face as she turned to frown at me and Jarrod.

He spoke first. “Detective. What a delight.”

“What are you doing here, Mr. Hale?”

“Dropping Cora off after a study session.”

“Early on a Saturday?” Detective Bates pursed her lips. “I thought you had a game.”

Dad stared at me with something like anger, and Mom only seemed resigned and tired.

“He does, but we hung out,” I said lamely.

Detective Bates nodded slowly. “I was just talking to your parents here, but I think we’re finished.”

“Like I said, Detective. Cora’s been tutoring Jarrod, and we don’t know anything else,” Dad said.

I felt my stomach twist.

He was lying for me.

“All right, Mr. Boyle. I appreciate your cooperation. Do you mind if I speak with Jarrod and your daughter alone?”

“By all means.”

Detective Bates stood and gestured with her head for us to follow. She strode past and out the front door.

I looked back at Dad and wanted to say something, but he only stared down at the table. He didn’t need to cover for me, but he did anyway—and I didn’t understand why.