What I practically begged him for.

I sat down and curled my legs up underneath me. Inches separated us.

“It’s basically a small house. They call them trailers, but that’s not really accurate anymore. They’re not mobile or anything. This place couldn’t move any more than your house could.”

“I didn’t know that. I thought they were all, you know. Literal trailers.”

“I won’t act like this place is heaven. It’s cramped and difficult to manage when you’ve got a family, but it was home for a long time. We made it work.”

“Do you think about them much?”

“Sometimes, although the memories are fuzzy. It’s funny though, they influenced me so much, but now I find it hard to picture them.”

I felt a sudden stab of grief. “I’m sorry. Do you have any pictures?”

“Some but I keep them hidden and safe. I’m afraid my uncle will rip them to shreds if he ever finds them.”

“Would he really?”

He gave me a sidelong look. “My uncle’s a vindictive and angry man. Yes, he’d rob me of my only memories of my parents if he could, purely out of spite.”

“What a bastard,” I said softly, shaking my head. My parents were bad, but at least they never hit me, and didn’t treat me like an interloping monster.

I couldn’t picture how Jarrod managed to survive his childhood.

“We don’t need to dwell on him.” He moved closer to me, erasing what little space there was between us. His hands moved up my thighs, his eyes staring hungrily down at my body. I felt a sudden thrill as my heart rate doubled, and I struggled to keep it under control. “I wanted you to see this place.”

“Why? I thought you just wanted privacy.”

“If that was all I needed, I could’ve brought you to some fleabag motel and fucked you senseless on a half-rotten bed. I brought you here because this place is a part of me, and I wanted you to know it.”

I chewed on that for a moment and looked around. It was dim and small but I could see how this little house might’ve seemed so much bigger to a little boy. Not a lot of room to play—but there were streets and little lawns and probably a playground nearby. He would’ve spent a lot of time wandering.

“Thank you for bringing me here then,” I said softly, reaching out to touch his cheek. “I know our arrangement makes things a little complicated.”

“More than a little.” But he smiled as he came closer. I parted my lips, yearning for the touch I knew was coming, but hadn’t arrived yet. The anticipation was part of the game, and I liked that he knew how to string me along. “You’ve been worth it. You’ve been so worth it.”

“Are you going to keep teasing me now that we’re alone?” I was being bold, a little reckless, but I couldn’t help myself.

It wasn’t about fulfilling the contract. That stupid piece of paper was the last thing on my mind. I couldn’t care less about Dr. Silver or our deal or his murder—I only wanted Jarrod, his lips, his hands, his tongue, his cock between my legs. I wanted him to make me sweat. I wanted him to take my virginity, right here, in the place where he grew up.

There’d be more. So much more, if we could survive this ordeal, but this was a beginning. Not fancy, nothing lavish or rich, but it was him, it was really him—this was his childhood, pure and untouched, and now he was sharing it with me.

I wanted him to give him something in return.

So I kissed him.

He gripped my hair in response and growled into my mouth. I moaned as my head began to spin with mixed pleasure and pain. He pulled me into his lap and I straddled him, pressing down. I felt his cock stiffen beneath me as his tongue invaded my mouth and his taste slid down my throat like heaven. He pulled me close and kissed my neck, my ear, my throat, and pulled my shirt up and off, throwing it aside.

His eyes burned like hell. I bit his lower lip as he palmed my breasts. My nipples were hard from excitement, buzzing with need, and I rolled my hips along his shaft.

I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t care. Nothing mattered anymore but getting what I needed. I wanted him inside of me, wanted his breath on my neck and in my ear, wanted him to fill me over and over until I came in gasping, moaning screams, wanted to finally feel what it was like for a man to have me, to fuck me into submission, to make me his and all his.

He took off my bra and licked my nipples, teasing them with his teeth and tongue, and he stared at me like I was a model, like I was a work of art. He groaned and bit my lip as I moved back and forth slowly.