We’d never said so out loud before, and the sudden turn made me uncomfortable. It made me feel seen, and I didn’t like that.

“Maybe that’s true,” I said carefully. “But it doesn’t change anything. You crossed a line when you went through my shit.”

“All right, I’ll admit that I broke some trust. I won’t do it again.”

“Thank you.”

“But I think you’re wrong about something. I don’t think you would’ve killed if Cora hadn’t given you the opportunity.”

I tapped my finger against the glass. “You don’t know that.”

“You like to fight. You like to hurt. But killing is a whole different thing.” He grinned at me, and I guessed he knew a thing or two about killing.

“I could’ve turned her down, but I didn’t want to.”

“Because you’re attracted to her.”

I grunted in response and threw back the drink. “You’re damn right I am. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve felt this way.”

“First time ever?”

I hesitated before nodding once. “I didn’t know it would turn out like this from the start.”

“But now you can’t help it.”

“That’s right. Which is why I’m telling you to lay off her. She’s going through enough.”

“Consider her forgotten, if that’s what you want.”

“Thank you.” I cleared my throat and sat on the edge of the chair, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. I placed the glass on the coffee table and met his eye. “Now I need a favor.”

He tilted his head. “What’s that?”

“I know your family’s connected. I need you to procure something for me from the local police department.”

“I’m not sure I could do something like that.”

“I have a feeling you’d be surprised. Doesn’t your dad sell military-style equipment to the cops?”

“Not exactly.” He shifted, uncomfortable all of a sudden. Any mention of his family did that. “Even if he did, my father is my father, he’s not me.”

“I know, but you’re the only person I know who has a remote shot at making this happen.”

A long silence fell over the room. I heard the ticking of several antique clocks and wondered how much each movement of its gears cost. Hundreds of dollars? Thousands? So much of this stuff was priceless, and yet Calvin lived amongst it like it was normal for a college kid to have all this stuff.

“What exactly do you need?” he asked very slowly and deliberately.

I explained it as quickly as I could. When I finished, he leaned back on the couch and crossed his legs.

“Releasing these documents could help us,” I said drumming my fingers on the coffee table for emphasis. “It’ll make Silver less sympathetic, at least.”

“It’s a good move if we can make it happen.”

“That’s what I need you for. There’s got to be someone in that police station willing to leak the files. Even if it’s just a document or two, it would be enough, so long as it proves Dannis Silver was a pedophile sicko.”

Calvin wiped his face. I’d rarely seen him agitated, but he was very uncomfortable now.

“I can help you,” he said, looking up at the ceiling, then down to meet my eyes. “But there will be a price.”

I leaned back in my chair as relief washed over me. “Anything.”

“Think hard before you agree, Jarrod. You know I don’t care about money. I’m going to ask something else of you.”

“If it’s something that I can give, then I’ll do it.”

He nodded and let out a breath. “I’ll make some calls then. I know people that are involved in this sort of thing and might be able to bribe the proper people.”

“I need this as fast as you can move. I don’t know how long that detective will hold off.”

“I’ll do my best.”

I stood up, grinning. “Thank you, Calvin. You’re a good friend, even if your methods are a little insane.” I walked to the door, practically floating on air. My plan was coming together, and although nothing was for certain yet, at least I was making progress.

But before I could leave, Calvin called my name. “You haven’t heard what I want from you yet.”

I paused with my hand on the knob. “What is it?”

“I want your cousin. I want Robyn.”

My hand fell away and I stared at him.

I didn’t know what to say. So I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“What the hell would you want with her?”

He grimaced slightly, like I’d slapped him in the face, but I still couldn’t understand what he meant by that.

Calvin was handsome and obscenely wealthy. He was a star football player and a member of the Horsemen. He fucked what he wanted when he wanted—and it made no sense that he’d have any interest in my dorky cousin.

His eyes met mine again and something flashed behind them.

Something dangerous.

“If you want my help, you’ll pay the price.”

“I don’t know what you mean though. You want Robyn? Am I supposed to get her to fuck you? Because I don’t have that kind of control.”