I’d expected a chase. Disappointment flared in my chest. She crossed her arms as I pushed through a group of three ogling girls to reach her and stood looming like an angry sentinel.

“Where’s my cousin?”

She shrugged. “Not here.”

“You don’t do anything without her.”

“That’s not true.”

“Please. I always see you two together.” I frowned, looked around. “Are you alone?”

“Yes, I’m alone.”

I tilted my head, considering. What the hell would Cora be doing here without friends? This wasn’t the sort of party someone came to all by themselves. I was sure Addler hadn’t invited her—my cousin was strictly off-limits, and they all knew it—but then again, nobody was really told to come. The doors were open and the beer was free.

“This isn’t your kind of party. You should go home.” I didn’t know why those words came out. What I wanted to say was, follow me upstairs and let me wreck your tight virgin cunt until you leave a smear of blood along my cock and shiver with breathless orgasm. What I wanted to do was grab her, hold her down, and fuck her raw.

Instead, I offered her an out.

I turned to walk away. There was a promising group of older guys in the kitchen, a bunch of bros I didn’t recognize with flat-brimmed caps and saggy jeans, the sort of alpha tough guys that wouldn’t be able to resist a rumble. There were three of them too, which might make things interesting.

But Cora grabbed my arm. “Wait. Hold on.”

I hesitated. Her fingers dug into my skin.

It almost hurt.

“Let go of me before I break those pretty fingers.”

She snatched her hand back like I was made of fire. “I just want to talk.”

“Is that why you’re here? Thinking about our moment from earlier?” I leaned closer, showing my teeth. “I knew you were a freak, but I didn’t know you liked it rough.”

She blushed crimson but stood her ground. “Don’t be a douchebag, Jarrod. I know there’s a real human being locked deep down inside of that garbage shell of yours. Can I just talk to you for one second?”

“Talk then.” I moved closer. She didn’t back away. “Make it fast, freak. I don’t have patience tonight.”

Which was true. The longer I stayed here, the more likely it was that I’d do something stupid. Robyn would never forgive me if I actually hurt Cora, and even though Cora was tempting and delicious, my cousin was the only person in the world that gave a shit about me, including my three supposed best friends.

I didn’t know what sort of waste I’d become if I alienated her.

“I need your help with something. It’s really important. Can we talk outside?”

“I don’t do homework, freak. That’s your department.”

“It’s not school related.”

“I’m still not interested.” I pulled my attention away. The bros were doing shots. Fucking perfect.

She grabbed my arm again. What the hell was with this girl? She had a death wish. “I need you to hurt someone for me.”

That got my attention.

Sweet little space cadet Cora needed me to beat someone up?

I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement in the pit of my stomach.

It was almost too perfect. The opportunity to release some of my rage and the chance to get closer to little freak Cora. Robyn wouldn’t be happy about it, but if someone was giving her friend shit, she might forgive me for breaking the fucker’s jaw.

“You got five minutes.”

“We need to go somewhere quieter.”

I stared fire at her. “You’re testing me.”

“Please, Jarrod. I have to explain. Just come outside, okay?”

I glanced toward the bros. Another shot down their stupid hatch. I could go over right now, start talking shit, and be nice and bloody in under ten minutes.

But Cora looked at me with those pretty wide eyes and those sexy pouty lips, and I couldn’t help myself.

“Make it fast.”

I strode to the front door and she followed. I sliced through the crowd like a boat in water, and she scurried along in my wake. The air was chilly and the ground was nearly frozen. Cora wrapped her arms around herself, hugging tight as she sipped her drink.

Several people milled around out front. The scent of pungent weed hung in the air, and a group of guys and girls passed around a joint. I steered Cora over toward the mailbox and the street, which was covered in parked cars.

I turned to face her, hands on my hips. She looked around, chewing on her lip. Whatever she wanted to say, she didn’t want anyone to overhear.

Which I had to admit was very interesting.

“All right, freak. Tell me what you want. I’m not standing outside in the cold for you all night.”

She set her jaw and glared. “Stop calling me that.”

“Stop acting like a freak, then. Who needs to get hurt? Some asshole in your classes giving you shit?”