That made both Addler and Des pause.

I wanted to slam my fist into Calvin’s face, over and over again, until blood pooled on the gym floor.

“It doesn’t matter,” Addler said. “If he wants to get involved, that’s his right.”

“He can put his dick wherever he wants,” Des said.

“Well? Are you fucking her?” Calvin wouldn’t let it go.

“No, I’m not fucking her.”

Which was true. I hadn’t taken her virginity yet—though I would eventually.

They didn’t need to know that distinction.

“Then invite her to Addler’s this weekend for the party.”

Addler shifted uncomfortably. “It’s not really her scene. I mean, she came last time for a little while, but—”

I shot him a look. I hadn’t realized they knew about Cora’s last visit. Apparently, word spread.

I wondered how many people saw us together that night, or if anyone overheard our conversation. But no, we were far enough away that nobody could’ve been listening.

“I’ll bring her.”

Des laughed and slapped my back. “There you go. Bring her, have some fun with her, whatever. We don’t judge. Except for Calvin, apparently, which is no bueno, my dude.”

“Good. Make sure she shows up. If you’re lying, I’ll know.”

“And so what if I am? What’s it matter to you?”

“I don’t know yet,” he said, shaking his head, “but there’s something between you two. I want to make sure she’s not fucking you over.”

Des laughed loudly and Addler smiled like he wanted to drown himself in the bath.

“Bro, no girl’s going to fuck over Jarrod, especially not that little puppy dog chick. Now shut up about this stupid shit and let’s get working, man. I’m almost done and I want to get home.” Des wandered back to the mirror and started doing more lifts and Addler joined him.

But Calvin remained.

“I don’t care about her,” he said softly, quiet enough that the two idiots couldn’t hear. “I only care about you. If she’s getting you in trouble—”

“Nobody gets me in trouble.” I leaned closer to him. “I do that just fine on my own.”

He pressed his lips into a tight line but didn’t answer.

I left him sitting there, glaring at me. I didn’t know what the hell was going on with him, but it left a bad feeling in my stomach.

There was no reason to suspect that something bad was happening between me and Cora. At most, he should’ve guessed we were dating in secret—and that wouldn’t be a big deal. I was a human, after all.

Except he seemed to know something. It was like he knew what Cora wanted me to do, only he didn’t realize we’d gone through with it already. I was tempted to throw it in his face, just to see the look in his eyes, but I knew it’d only break my fucking heart.

Calvin was strange, but he still cared, and he was still my friend.

I’d have to be careful from now on. If anyone else started looking too closely at my relationship with Cora, then I’d have to pull back.

As much as I didn’t want that to happen.

If anything, I craved her more and more every day. After watching her come, then licking her juice off my fingers, I couldn’t stop imagining how she’d taste with my mouth between her legs, her moans rolling from her tongue like fresh dew. I wanted her plump mouth, her gorgeous tits, her tight ass, and those long, lean legs. The more time I spent with her, the more I needed her around.

I’d never felt like this before, and I was worried killing that pedophile bastard had fucked me up more than I realized.



Sam smiled out at the sunset as we walked down our street. He wore a pair of jogger sweats and a matching sweatshirt, and I had on my usual jeans and sweater with a dark jacket and a scarf. The cold never seemed to bother him the way it bothered me, which was a shame, considering it was freezing for a good chunk of the year.

“How have you been holding up lately?” I asked as we strolled along.

Sam shrugged. We didn’t come on walks often, but every once in a while, we both had to get out of that house. We usually went down our street, turned left, went around the cul-de-sac, hit the path through the woods, then looped back and headed home. It was a good twenty-minute walk, and we usually talked about Mom and Dad, how we were feeling, that sort of stuff.

“Better, strangely enough. After seeing that Dr. Silver got killed, I’ve been in a weirdly good mood.”

“Funny how divine justice can do that.”

I grinned at him, but he gave me a funny look. “Is that what you think happened?”

I shrugged, trying to be as chill as I could. “I mean, someone killed him obviously, but I don’t know. I like to think a higher power guided the hand that did the deed.”