His voice is anything but friendly, and I can practically feel the tension rolling off of his body as he comes to stand beside me.

“May we talk in private?” Richard asks.

My cheeks heat as I move to excuse myself, but Gabriel pulls me back, wrapping his arm around my waist protectively.

“Anything you have to say, you can say in front of Victoria.”

Richard seems to consider this for a moment before nodding.

“Your mother tells me that you’re dead set on following through with this business venture of yours.”

“I am,” Gabriel says. “I think we both agree that will be for the best.”

Richard sighs and runs a hand through his inky black hair, his expression filled with what looks like a lifetime of regret.

“I know my words don’t mean anything to you,” he says. “But I am proud of you, Gabriel. And you will always have a place at the Maddox Corporation, a part of our legacy…”

“But it’s not my legacy to have,” Gabriel bites out. “Is it, Richard?”

Richard flinches away as if he’s been slapped, and I’m still trying to make sense of the conversation as I shrink into Gabriel’s side.

“Perhaps not by blood,” Richard admits. “But I would hope that you’d know that has never stopped me from loving you as my own.”

Gabriel softens beside me, and my hand strokes his back in an attempt to comfort him as his eyes fill with sadness. As I look between the two men, like night and day, the truth is finally clear. Gabriel isn’t Richard’s son.

“I know that you did the best you could,” Gabriel says. “Under the circumstances.”

Richard nods and both men look away from each other as silence engulfs the room.

“Would you like to stay for dinner?” I ask, having no clue what else to say.

Richard smiles softly and shakes his head as he stands.

“No, thank you, sweetheart. I really should be going. I just wanted you to know Gabriel, that you have my full support on this venture. I’ve contacted some investors, and they want to meet with you.”

Gabriel surprises me by breaking away and shaking Richard’s hand in a quick and awkward gesture. And then just as quickly as he arrived, he’s out the door again.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

Gabriel pulls me into his arms and lets out a deep breath as he kisses my temple.

“I guess you know the dirty family secret now,” he says. “I’m the bastard child of the Maddox family. A product of one of my mother’s tawdry affairs.”

I don’t speak because I know that’s not what Gabriel needs right now. I grab him by the hand and lead him back to bed, where I show him how much I love him all night long.

Chapter Fourteen


It’s Monday morning, and I’m sitting inside of Gabriel’s office, tapping my foot impatiently.

He was a nervous wreck all morning while he prepared for today, and I didn’t want to admit how nervous I was for him too. In a huge leap of faith, I bought a bottle of champagne and some celebratory lingerie.

Margie assured me he’ll be the only one coming back to his office, so I already took my dress off, and now I’m sitting in his chair, drumming my fingers across the desk. If I’m wrong about this, then I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Throw the champagne away and give him a relaxing blow job instead. But I really, really don’t want to be wrong. I know how much this means to Gabriel, and I desperately want him to be happy.

The door swings open, and I stiffen as his gaze swings to me in surprise. For a moment, we just stare at each other, and I can’t read the expression on his face. But when he grins and locks the door behind him, I take it as a good sign.

“Well?” I spring towards him expectantly, not even caring how much I’m on display right now. There’s no way we’re having sex until I know how things went.

Gabriel pulls me up into his arms and wraps my legs around his hips while he strokes my face in his hands, looking more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him.

“I got it, baby,” he says. “They want to invest. I’ve got the green light.”

“Oh my God!” I squeal, wiggling around in his arms.