“Allan,” I answer briskly, “did you finally come to your senses?”

“Yes, Mr. Maddox,” he says in a contrite tone. “I’ve been working on a hunch, but I didn’t want to say anything before. Now I have something concrete for you.”

As much as I don’t want to take the bait, he has my attention. If it’s something concerning Victoria, I need to know about it, even if I do hate dealing with this scumbag.

“Fine, what is it?”

“I’m afraid this is a little bit more of a confidential matter,” Allan says nervously. “I’m going to need to meet you somewhere. I have some hard copy documents to give you.”

“Can’t you just fax them to me?” I snap.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Maddox, but not these. You’ll understand why when you see them.”

“Fine,” I agree. “Where do I need to meet you?”

“Well, it’s the weekend,” Allan says. “I’m at my apartment.”

“Text me the address. I’ll come now.”

When the text comes through, I debate just telling him to fuck off. The place is all the way on the other side of the city. But again, I think of Victoria, and I enter it into my GPS. An hour later I pull up in front of the dilapidated apartment building, thinking that it’s a perfect place for a roach like Allan to live. Still, I have to wonder what he does with all the money he makes from his steep fees.

The elevator is out of order when I walk in, so I open the door to the stairwell. No sooner do I step inside before something cracks into the back of my skull.



I haven’t heard from Gabriel for two days, which is unusual. The way he was acting on Sunday, I expected him to be all over my case. I’ve been going stir-crazy in this apartment while I wait for his call.

My phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. It’s my boss Marvin from the courier company.

“Hello Marvin,” I answer less than enthusiastically.

“Victoria,” he greets me in a business-like tone. “I need you to make a delivery this morning, can you do it?”

I hesitate for a moment before answering. Gabriel isn’t going to like this, but right now, I don’t care. He’s too busy to give me a courtesy call or respond to my texts, and I need to get out of this apartment.

“Sure,” I agree. “I can be there in thirty minutes.”

I hang up the phone and quickly throw on some jeans and a hoodie. Before I head out, I toy with the idea of taking the gun with me. I know it will make the inevitable fight with Gabriel easier if I do, so I tuck it into the back of my jeans beneath my jacket.

When I walk into the living room, Alanna gives me a puzzled glance.

“I’m just going to make one delivery,” I explain. “I need to get out of this apartment before I go crazy.”

Alanna nods in understanding. “Okay, just be careful, babe. Gabriel’s got me twisted into a bundle of nerves now. I’ll feel much better when we are safe in his apartment.”

“Yeah,” I groan as I walk out the door. If that ever happens.

When I get to the courier company, my boss hands me a piece of paper with the address on it.

“You sure are popular.” He laughs. “I think it must be that rich boyfriend of yours. He told me not to tell you, so make sure you act surprised, okay?”

I smile in relief. He must be planning a surprise for me. I wonder curiously what it is as I walk down the street.

Twenty minutes later I’m staring up at two adjacent buildings. This business has a ½ address, and I can’t figure out where it is. I decide to walk down the alleyway, thinking it must be somewhere behind the two buildings. I’m expecting Gabriel to be standing there, but I don’t see him anywhere. I don’t see any buildings with the address on them either.

An uneasy feeling starts to creep into my belly, unfurling its black venom like a poisonous snake. The more I think about it, the more I realize Gabriel would never ask me to walk around in a strange place like this. It doesn’t feel right.

I turn to leave, but it’s already too late. Something slams into me from behind, plunging me into darkness as I crash to the ground beneath.