I look so…happy.

But that isn’t what brings me to tears.

Under the picture are Owen’s words.

theBESTadlertwin: Staring at her is my favorite thing to do. I love to do it more than I love to be on the ice. I may have known her my whole life, but I never got to stare at her the way I have for the last fifty-two days. I stare at her like she is mine because she is. Her laughter is music to my ears. Her smile is the sun in my sky. Her body is the stars at night (sorry, Mom). She is smart, funny, and so damn driven. Her obsession with plants may be borderline crazy, but I don’t care. I’ll continue to feed her obsession by buying her all the plants if they make her happy. That is the goal—to make her happy, because she is all my heart ever talks about. I still get nervous when she looks at me, and honestly, I hope that feeling never ever stops. I look forward to hearing her voice, to feeling her lips, and to seeing that little smile on her face. I love her fully, completely, and with my soul. She is perfection in my eyes. My sugar. Xoxoxo

I wipe away the tear and close my eyes. Everything he said is the same thing I’m feeling. I feel my love for him deep in my soul. And like my mom said, I don’t have to explain that or even defend it. It is what it is, and I’m proud of my choice.


All of him.


I go to his text thread and write him quickly.

Me: Ignore last text.

Owen: ??? You okay???

Me: More than okay. I love you.

Owen: I love you, but what text am I ignoring?

Me: I don’t want to live anywhere but with you.

Owen: Really?

Me: Really.

“Good. I wasn’t going to let you go.”

I look up to find him standing only a few short feet from my desk. He has this grin on his face that hits me right in the gut. I get up and head straight for him as he opens his arms for me. He smothers me in them, our lips meeting as my heart soars. I squeeze him hard, and as we part, we start to smile before our lips stop touching.

“I didn’t think you would.”

“I was gonna take the plants hostage,” he admits. “Make you stay.”

I beam up at him. “You know me so well.”

“I do,” he says, kissing my top lip. “Because this is more than I’ve ever felt in my life, and I never want to lose this feeling.”

I kiss his bottom lip. “I don’t either.”

Our lips meet once more. Everything may be up in the air and a mess, but one thing is solid.

My love for Owen Adler.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


* * *

Dart glances around the house, and he looks so confused. “It smells really good in here.”

I laugh to myself as I move around the kitchen, fixing him and Owen dinner. I love to cook and never did it at London’s for the simple fact that I didn’t want to. Here, though, I want to. I turn off the stove, letting the shrimp pad thai sit as I glance over at Dart as he cocks his head curiously.

“Did you clean?”

I nod as I look around. It was my first weekend off from work, and with no papers due and since they had an away game last night, I spent the day cleaning. “I did.”

He makes a face. “You didn’t have to.”

I shrug. “I wanted to repay you for letting me stay here.”

“Angie, this is Owen’s place. He wants you here, and I’m good with it. You don’t have to clean. It’s our mess too,” he says, as if I’m being ridiculous.

“I don’t mind. Plus, I’m about to start moving all my stuff in. Had to ease the blow when all my plants take over.”

He laughs. “I heard about these plants and the shelves I have to help put together.”

I beam at him. Owen bought me all kinds of new shelving units and plant stands for the space between the porch and kitchen. We haven’t moved anything yet, mostly because we’ve all been so busy and I don’t like going to London’s without Owen or Dart. Or even Jean. When the guys are away and I need to get something, she comes too. When Owen has meetings at the mental health compound for some programs they want him to sponsor and volunteer with for the summer, Dart goes with me. I’m so excited for all Owen is planning on doing this summer and the fact that I’ll get to help. I am stoked for the new opportunities my life is giving me, yet I still have so much anxiety.

The last couple weeks have been almost perfect. It’s so easy living with Owen and Dart. Owen and I spend a lot of time in the bedroom when we’re both home, me doing homework and him playing games. And Dart does Dart things. He is busy playing the ice and the field. He’s hardly ever alone and loves to party. The guys like to work out with me, which has been great. We’re all so competitive, and it makes working out more fun. I love lying on the beach and then the porch when it’s too hot. I really do adore living here, and I’m happy. Especially about everything that involves Owen. Our relationship keeps flourishing.