
“I understand, and I agree she is absolutely too good for anyone, even me, and I definitely don’t deserve her. She’s a gift. As for staying away, I understand your fears and feel for you, but I will do no such thing. As long as Angie wants me, I’m there.”

Because I love her something insane.

I wanted to tell Benji that. Problem was, he wasn’t hearing anything I had to say. I’m the enemy, and I get it. I’ve watched my dad give away his daughters, punch one of the guys because he knocked up his daughter. I understand a father’s love. With Angie and Benji, it’s different. He didn’t get to love her her whole life, and he wants nothing more than to be the father she deserved from the beginning. So, yeah, it’s cool, I’ll be the enemy to him. For now. I’ve been on this playing field before, where I was doubted off the top.

And I always come out a winner.

I know for a fact that when he sees us together, he’ll agree we’re good together.

He’ll have to.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was scared, but I’m confident in Angie’s and my relationship. We’re in love. I lie with Angie in my arms. She sleeps under my chin as I move my fingers through her hair. She smells like my shampoo and conditioner, along with my body wash. Very woodsy, and it’s causing me confusion, but I know she isn’t trying to hear my joke.

After a solid hour of trying to figure things out even when I told her not to worry about it until tomorrow, she fell asleep. I want so badly to take on her pain and worry and fight it for her, but I know she’s too proud to allow me to. I’m not sure what will happen with London, her jackass of a boyfriend, or Angie’s living situation or job, but like I told her, we’ll figure it out together.

I’m not entirely sure what will happen when she finds out her dad doesn’t want us together, but I’m sure as hell not telling her that. Not with everything else going on. We’ll battle everything as it comes. First things first, I’ve got to convince this girl to live with me. Because having her in my arms, with her little snore she makes and the feel of her, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep alone again. She tightens her grip on my hand, holding me closer, and I close my eyes, feeling whole.

I was sure of myself when I said, “As long as Angie wants me, I’m there.” But as a smile moves across her lips and she cuddles deeper into me, I fear if she didn’t want me, I’d still be there.

Doing everything and anything to convince her to want me.

I dragged ass at morning skate, but at least I showed up, unlike Dart.

Not that I would tell him that, or even tell Coach that Dart wasn’t there because he was partying all night with Thatcher and a few of the other guys. Not me, though. I was tucked into bed with my girl. I left before she got up, and when I got back, she had already left for school. She had two classes this morning and then an afternoon shift at the compound since the office shuts down at four today. First, though, we’re gonna meet for lunch.

I wait outside the restaurant for her in my truck since she’s running late. She had to talk to her professor about a paper. She says she’s okay, but of course I’m worried for her. I hate that all of this is weighing her down. I want to make it better, but I don’t know how, other than to be supportive and be there for her. I have half a mind to go take out the boyfriend, but she asked me not to.


Instead of going in and filling up on chips and salsa, I decide to play on my phone. I don’t Instagram much—really, only to post my accomplishments and to watch my siblings and friends. But I somehow find myself on the app instead of playing a game. It looks like Posey and Shelli posted together because Posey has posted a picture of her son Zac holding Shelli’s growing belly with the caption “Future BFFs.” And then Shelli has posted the same picture with a different filter and the caption, “My favorite with my favorite.”

How stinkin’ adorable.

I comment on both of them with the hashtag #ProudUncle

I can’t wait to meet my new nephew because I love my current nephew as if he’s mine. I wonder if Angie wants kids? I do. A lot. I want a huge family since mine was so much fun growing up. Angie comes from a big family too. Between her uncles and their kids and then her siblings, I know she could handle a big family. She’d be a great mom too. I know that from watching her with her plants.