“Yeah. He’s pretty wonderful.”

“Wow. I’m stunned. I didn’t even think you two ran in the same circles.”

“She worked with Evan. That’s how we met up,” Owen says, and I back away, crossing my arms over my chest to hide my breasts from my boyfriend’s mother. “We vibe.”

“Well, yeah. You two always vibed, but you acted as if you hated each other.”

“I wasn’t acting,” I admit, and Owen laughs as Elli smiles at me.

“I was acting because she didn’t like me, and I didn’t like it.”

Elli nods. “I swear, he’d do something, and you’d do it five minutes later,” she says to me. “And then she’d do something, and you had to do it too. I never understood why y’all just didn’t become friends. Or more.”

Owen snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me in once again. “Guess we had some growing up to do.”

I snort. “You still have some growing up to do.” He sticks out his tongue at me, and I grin before looking back at Elli, who is watching us very intently. “I know I don’t loo—”

“Isn’t she beautiful, Mom? Stunning, actually,” Owen says, cutting me off and staring deep into my eyes. “Perfect just the way she is.”

“Boy, you took the words right out of my mouth,” she says, and I swallow hard as I look back at her. “Wow, I am stunned. I was expecting to spend my night stalking someone to see if they were good enough for my boy, and now I don’t have to. I know you, I know your family, and I know for sure you’re more than good enough. I like this match. A lot. Though, Benji might have words.”

I exhale hard. “I know, but I’m happy.”

“Good. That’s all we want,” she says, waving me off.

“But I have to admit, I was worried you didn’t approve at first, the way you were looking at me.”

“She was shocked,” Owen says before his mom can say anything. “Probably didn’t believe I could get you to be mine.”

Elli flashes me a grin. “I thought I was dreaming,” she says, and I believe her. How could I not? Her face is so kind, so sweet. “And then I had this moment where I felt guilt since I know your mom wants to see you, and here you are, in the flesh before me.”

It’s as if she stabs me in the chest. Owen must feel me tense, because he barks, “Mom, come on. That’s between her and her mom.”

Elli holds up her palms. “I know, and I don’t mean to upset you. I was being honest.”

“Still, come on,” Owen complains, and I squeeze him extra tight.

He looks down at me, and I shrug. “It’s okay.”

I can see the fight, the fierce protection in his eyes. We both look at his mom, and she has a very embarrassed smile on her lips. “I hope I didn’t ruin the night.”

“Well, you didn’t add anything good,” Owen admits, leaning in and kissing her temple. “But I love you, so it’s okay.”

I swallow thickly as she beams up at him. “I’m sorry. I really didn’t think this through.”

“You didn’t,” he says, sighing. “It’s cool. We’re gonna get her plants and head on out. She’s got school and work tomorrow, and I’ve got an early skate.”

“So, you weren’t kidding when you said this would be a turn and burn,” she says, reaching out to hug me.

I hug her as Owen nods. “Just wanted to surprise her with some food she’s been missing and get her plants. Which, by the way, my mom scored them for you.”

I beam at her. “Thank you. I’m so excited.”

“The way Owen explains it, you have a huge collection.”

“He calls it my jungle.”

She laughs as Owen nods in agreement. “It is a jungle.”

I walk with them, arm in arm, with Elli on one side and Owen on the other. The next few moments are almost a blur. I have my plants in hand and I’m stoked, but inside me, Elli’s words play over and over again in my head.

I know your mom wants to see you.

I know this too. I’ve known it for a while. Mom isn’t exactly quiet in her desire to see me, and I’ve felt the guilt Elli speaks of. I carry it daily, and I know the answer to fixing it all. I need to see her; I need to accept this body and own it. I need to be who Owen and Jean keep telling me I am. I’ve been wanting to do it and believe in it, but it isn’t that easy for me. I watch Elli, waiting for the disgusted look to fill her features as she looks at me tucked up under her son’s arm, but it doesn’t come. She’s all smiles. All heart. Problem is, I can make excuses for that. She’s doing it for Owen or because she feels bad for crashing our date.