“You’re impossible,” I accuse, and his eyes dance with mischief.

He laughs as he leans in, almost close enough to kiss me before he whispers, “Well, you better get used to it.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, sugar, because I love you something insane.”

My heart explodes in my chest as our lips meet, and I swear, I’ll choose this man over and over again, no matter what.

He’s mine, and I’m his.

Chapter Twenty-Four


* * *

I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m realizing with Angie to expect the unexpected. As clichéd as that sounds, it’s true. She’s mind-blowing—and all mine. As I look across the table at her, seeing the plants that have been used for decoration as her backdrop, I’m beyond in love. I can’t believe I said it to her, but I’m also not surprised. This girl has been important to me for a very long time. Now, though, I get to tell her daily. Hell, I can tell everyone if I wanted. As she takes a long sip of her wine, she gazes off to the side with this grin on her face. I lift my phone for a snap of her. I don’t ever want to forget this moment. The way she looks, the confidence, the sex we had, and the way she told me she loved me.

I won’t forget it, but I want photo evidence.

I want all the photos of her.

“We’ll need to take a photo together.”

She looks over at me through her lashes and nods. “I’d like that.” We share a smile, and she sighs happily. She’s been doing that a lot since we started eating. “This is probably the best date I’ve ever been on.”

Proud, I nod. “Same.”

“You went super overboard, though.”

“I don’t care. You’re worth it.”

Her lips quirk, and I fully expect her to fight me on it, but instead, she asks, “So, this is our best. What’s your worst?”

I cringe at the thought. “That crazy chick who was grading me the whole date. She literally had a notebook and made notes! Gave me a C!” I complain, and she snorts with laughter as she shakes her head.

“That’s still so bizarre to me,” she says, and I nod. “Though, I can top yours.”

I eye her. “No way.”

She nods. “Seriously. I went out with this guy, we had a blast, I was feeling him, so I went back to his place,” she says, and while she may be speaking of another guy, I’m enraptured by her. She’s so happy. Her eyes are so bright and animated. I love it. “We entered through the back, and when I realized he lived downstairs, I was a little put off because I assumed someone lived upstairs. It was his mom who lived upstairs.”

I let out a chuckle. “She walked in on you two?”

A rueful look fills her features. “I wish,” she says with a shudder, and I laugh a little harder. “So, whatever, not worried about it. Then we do the do, everything was decent, but I didn’t want to put my jean shorts and crop top back on to sleep in. I ask him for something, fully expecting a tee or a hoodie. Owen, he went and got me one of his mom’s nightdresses.”

I choose the wrong time to take a drink. I almost spew my wine everywhere, laughing so hard I can’t breathe. “No fucking way.”

“I shit you not,” she says, laughing along with me. “I was beyond creeped out.”

“Did you put it on?”

“Yes! I had no choice!”

I roar with laughter as she chuckles. “I can’t.”

“It was insane, I swear,” she insists, shaking her head as her laughter subsides. “People are nuts.”

“For real. Kind of glad I won’t have to deal with that anymore.”

Angie’s eyes meet mine, something moving in them as my heart swells. “That’s pretty damn presumptuous.”

“Presumptuous or confident?”

Her lips quirk at one side.

“I told you off the top I wanted a relationship.”

She nods. “You did, but I assumed it was to get in my pants.”

“Yes, because that happened so quickly for us,” I deadpan. A heated look moves between us. “I basically had blue balls for you for like eight years.”

“Eight years?” she asks with a troubled look. “We’ve only been dating for just over a month.”

“Yes, but I’ve wanted you since I was like twelve,” I admit, and then I wink at her. “Like my fast math?”

“You’re insane. You wanted a totally different version of me.”

“No,” I say sternly. “I want you.” Her eyes darken as she leans on her hand, staring at me with desire and sweetness in her green depths. “Do you not want the same? A relationship, I mean?”

“No, I do,” she insists. “But, of course, I’m scared. It’s easy to admit love and be all in, but it’s hard when you don’t know what the other person is thinking.”

“I’m thinking the same thing, Pax.”

“You’re just staring out on your own, though,” she laments, holding my gaze. “You can have years of dating and women. Anyone you want, really.”