I kiss his top lip. “It will absolutely be a highlight in my life.”

He kisses me this time. “Well, my sugar baby—”

“Oh, we’re morphing your little pet names for me?”

“It felt right,” he says, winking. “Since I am a walking highlight reel, I know how to make them memorable.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “Wow.”

He winks again. “I know. My cockiness knows no bounds.”

With that, I laugh as he opens his door and then comes around to do the same for me. Owen takes my hand, and together, after he locks the truck since his dad will kill him if anything happens to it, we head toward the entrance to the nursery. Right away, I see some gorgeous plants that I want to go inspect, but Owen is leading the way.

“Ooh, Owen, look at the elephant ears! I wish I had an outside to plant in. That’s why I want land, so I can have a greenhouse or even a huge area for plants.” He listens to me, his eyes locked on me as a small smirk sits on his lips. I lean into him. “You think I’m crazy.”

He chuckles. “I do, but I find it endearing too,” he says as we stop. “Which is why I did this for you.”

I look away from him to find we’re in a room full of all kinds of plants. Big green ones, small leafy ones, trees, and even some flowering plants. I see all kinds of pothos climbing the wall, snake plants, spider plants, and more. Lights hang around the room, giving it a fairyland feel, and in the middle of the room is a single wrought-iron table and two chairs. On the table are two covered plates with a bottle of wine and a huge bouquet of white lilies.

To say I’m speechless is an understatement.

I glance up at Owen, and he grins down at me. Tears burn my eyes, and before I can explode in a happy sob all over him, he leads me to the table just as, out of nowhere, Evan appears.

“Ms. Paxton,” he says, all proper, while wearing a black suit with a white cloth draped over his forearm. His grin is sweet as he pulls out a chair for me, but I ignore it, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. I’m met with laughter as he hugs me back. “Hey, you. It’s good to see you.”

“You too,” I say, tapping his chest. “How are you?”

“I’m great, really. I’ve been helping at the Assassins compound, really fighting for a mental health unit there. I think we might make it happen.”

I thought I would cry about all the things Owen has done for me, but nope. It’s gonna be his twin that brings me to a sob. “Oh, Evan, I’m proud of you.”

He winks, just like his brother would, and cups my shoulder. “Thank you—for everything. Really.” He looks away bashfully as he chuckles. “And thanks for making my brother so happy.”

“I think it’s the other way around,” I say as I look up into Owen’s eyes again.

“Not from the way I hear it,” he says, pulling out the chair for me right as Owen winks at me.

Still unable to process what is happening, I sit down in complete awe. Owen sits across from me as Evan pours us each a glass of wine. “I told Mom this was grape juice.”

We all laugh at that before I ask, “How much did he pay you to do this?” I tease, grinning at Owen.

To my surprise, Evan says, “Nothing. I wanted to do this.” I meet his gaze, and he flashes me a smile full of dimples. “You’re stunning tonight, Angie.”

“All right, Two Dimples, go flash those suckers somewhere else,” Owen says, shooing him away, and I giggle when Evan shoots his brother the bird. When he disappears to parts unknown, I look across the table at Owen as he stands. “Dinner is served.” He then lifts the silver dome covering the plate to reveal all my favorite things. A Hot Chicken Sandwich, fried pickle spears, twice-fried fries, and to the side, a gorgeous cupcake that has O+A on it. I look up at Owen, tears blurring my vision, and as my lip trembles, I say, “I’m so overwhelmed right now.”

He grins. “That was my intention, to completely blow you away.”

“You did,” I say, reaching out and cupping his jaw. “I lied on the plane.”

His face changes as confusion takes over. “About what?”

To my surprise, I see a bit of worry in his eyes. “I’m not falling in love with you.” Owen looks as if I’ve hit him. So, quickly, I say, “Because I’m already in love with you. I love you, Owen. With my whole heart.”

His eyes change in an instant, and the most beautiful, dazzling, insanely perfect grin comes across his lips. “I know,” he says with a wink, and I roll my eyes.