The only times I want to be sweaty with her are in the gym and in bed.

“Where is Dart?”

“Sleeping in. He doesn’t wake before noon on a non-skating day.”

“Must be nice.”

“Yeah. I usually wake up around nine, but I’ll take a nap this afternoon so I can meet you at the gym tonight. If you don’t mind,” I add quickly when I realize I invited myself.

“Absolutely. I’ll be there right at eight.”

“Awesome. What are you going to do about London?”

She sighs loudly, letting her shoulders droop. “I don’t know. I guess just let things play out. See what happens.”

“Sucks. Again, you can move here.”

She snorts, shaking her head. “No way. I would never impose myself like that. Ruin your bachelor life.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m not a bachelor. I’ve got a super-hot girlfriend.”

“Yeah, okay, but Dart is a bachelor.”

“And believe me, nothing and no one can interfere with that,” I say, knowing my friend. “What are you doing after the gym?”

“Not sure. Probably going home and going to bed.”

“Cool,” I say since I don’t want to sound needy and invite her over or myself to her place.


“Same, probably, since we have an early morning skate and tape meeting.”

“How many weeks are left in the season?”

“Eight, which is right around the time of graduation, right?”

“Yup,” she says with a nod. “Still don’t know what I am going to do about that.”

“I do. You’ll walk, and we’ll all be in the audience, cheering you on.” She doesn’t agree or disagree, so I go on. “What are your plans for afterward?”

She looks over at me after taking a big gulp of her horchata. “Afterward, what?”


“Hopefully working.”

“So, you won’t leave for the summer?”

She shakes her head. “No. I’ll be here,” she says, putting her cup down and then pulling her hair up. “Well, if I get over myself and go home to see my family, and then I’ll be in Nashville for a week.”

“You should. I know your mom would love it.”

“She would. Are you going home this summer?”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “I guess that depends on this.”

She pauses in the middle of fixing her hair. “This?”

“Me and you.”

“Us…is this?”

“It is,” I say, holding her gaze. “I won’t want to leave you if we’re still together.”

She nods slowly, licking her lips. “I wouldn’t want you to go either.”

I reach out, pinching her chin. “Which is why I told my mom I probably won’t be coming home.”

Her lips curve. “You told your mom about us? ’Cause I have not told my parents.”

“No, I haven’t. Just that I’m dating someone incredible.”

She chuckles. “Don’t set me up for failure, Owen.”

I give her a look. “I’m not.”

She pulls her gaze from mine, and we continue eating in silence, just the roar of the waves crashing against the shore. The sun shines on us a bit, and I love how her eyes sparkle. Her makeup is light, and again with the scrubs. I’m unsure if she wears anything else. I’d love to see her in some shorts or maybe even some nice tight pants. Anything to show off her curves.

When her phone starts to ring, she makes a face. “Oh, my dad is calling. One second,” she says as I take a bite of my burrito. I nod as she answers. “Hey, Dad. Yeah, fine. Actually, in about thirty minutes. Yeah, full day. Then work. Oh, really? That’s awesome. Tell them I’m so proud. I’ll text them both too. It’s super cool. Yeah, for sure,” she says, and her eyes are full of such happiness. I don’t know how she has been so closed off from them, but I’m thankful that’s changing. I know how much she loves her family, and they love her even more.

When she grins widely and laughs, I smile at her. I reach over, cupping her thigh, and she leans into me, kissing my jaw. I flash her another grin before returning to eat. I love burritos.

“I’m not sure yet. I don’t know, Dad. I just don’t want everyone to make the trip for it. It’s so pointless. I know. I don’t know. Okay. Yeah, I know. I’ve been talking to Mom about it. I want to see everyone too. Let me figure out my life. I know. I’m sorry I’m so wishy-washy. But, um, Dad, can I call you back? I’m actually out with someone, and I’m being rude on the phone. Yes, the someone is a guy,” she says, grinning at me, and I wink. “No, I will not tell you about said guy. Because! It’s new. I do think you’ll like him. I like him. No, I haven’t told Mom yet. Thanks. Okay. I miss you too. Love you.”

She hangs up and exhales. “Sorry about that.”

“Didn’t your dad hate me?”

She laughs, hard. “He did, but so did I.”

“Because you wanted me so bad. Totally different.”