Pretty sure my dad will flip his shit at the thought of Owen Adler dating his daughter. He never liked Owen, for the same reasons I didn’t, but while I’ve moved on from my childish, jealous thoughts of him, I don’t know if my dad will. He isn’t a fan of me dating, especially not after I was almost raped. Not that it was my fault, but he doesn’t trust guys with me. I’m not sure I want to find out how he’ll react. I’d rather enjoy what Owen and I have right now. I think we have enough stacked against us—not that he notices; only I do.

Either way, I’m super happy. I’m typing in so much data so quickly, even I’m impressed by myself. I want to get done with work, and I want to see Owen. I can’t believe he’ll be by the car for me when I get off. I figured I’d meet him at his house or he’d meet me at mine. Though, I don’t know if I want to chance him coming to my place. Maybe after I move, if that ever happens. I haven’t had much luck finding anything in my price range, and I don’t want to ask my parents for more money. I don’t even like that they’re paying for me now. I don’t know. Maybe once I’m hired on, I can find something better.

Hell, anything will be better than where I am.

“Hey, Angie. Can I speak to you for a second?”

I look up to find Dr. Tembalt standing beside my desk. “Oh, hey. Yeah, of course,” I say, putting down the iced coffee I’ve almost finished. I stand even though I don’t know if I should, and that’s when I notice London is standing there too. Well, shit. I bring in my brows. “Did I mess something up?”

He shakes his head. “Not at all. It’s actually about Owen Adler.”

I bring in my brows even more, making my forehead hurt. “Sorry?”

“London brought it to my attention that you two are dating.”

I divert my gaze to London, and she doesn’t even look sorry. What the hell? When I bring my gaze back to the doctor’s, I stand proudly. “Yes, we are.”

“Okay. We have a very strict policy against dating patients.”

“Owen isn’t a patient. His brother was. He came to one, maybe two appointments with Evan, and we never treated him, only Evan. We don’t even have a file on him.”

Dr. Tembalt looks to London, and he shrugs. “That is true. If we don’t have a file, we can’t enforce the rule.”

I look to London, and she nods before speaking. “I didn’t think of it that way, but I agree. I wanted to make sure everything was out in the open. I don’t want it to come back to bite her in the butt later.”

What the ever-loving fuck? What a bitch. Yet I find myself asking, “And if he were a patient, what would have happened?”

“You would have been written up and ultimately would have had to choose between your internship and your boyfriend,” the doctor says, and I make a face.

“Wow, that sucks.”

“It does, but you signed an agreement when you came on as an intern that stated exactly that.”

“Absolutely. And just to be clear, when I’m hired, will I sign the same?” I ask him, and he nods. “Because I know Owen is going through a lot with his brother being gone, and I don’t want this to become a thing where he has to choose between me or getting help from our facility for his mental health.”

London holds her hand up. “You would be exempt, of course, due to the relationship preceding your full-time employment. But we’ll deal with that if we get there.”

Now I could take that comment a billion different ways. One way being, if I’m even hired. And the second being if Owen and I are together when I am hired. I don’t know what the hell her issue is, but I’m pissed. I also don’t like either of those scenarios. I don’t know what her game is, but I’m about to find out.

Dr. Tembalt taps the back of my hand. “I’m glad this was all cleared up. I’d hate for something like that to cause us to lose you.”

Doesn’t he make the rules for the program? I don’t ask that, though. Instead, I smile at him. “Same here.”

“Great,” he says, and then he walks away toward his office.

I look at London and hold her gaze. “You could have come to me instead of bringing Dr. Tembalt into it.”

London shrugs. “I didn’t want things to escalate.”

“They wouldn’t have.”

“I don’t know that,” she says simply. “We’re good now.”

When she starts to walk away, I stop her. “Answer me something. What did you mean by your comment about dealing with the issue of Owen and me if we get there?”