I have no desire in the world to go out there.

Before I can retreat and sneak away, Chandler smacks my shoulder and guides me to the patio. I liked Chandler before I even came to the IceCats. He’s really good to Amelia and is the strong, quiet type. He’s a great dad, and he treats my whole family with all the respect in the world. He leans in, concern or maybe confusion in his eyes.

“So, tell me why Audrina is here?”

I chuckle quietly as my gaze goes over to the strawberry-blond beauty. Audrina is tall. Like, six feet tall, and thick with muscle. Her eyes are this incredible hazel color, and she’s stunning. For some reason, though, we don’t vibe. I like her as a friend, not as someone I want to bang. Unlike how I was feeling when I saw Paxy at the gym. She was covered head to toe in clothes, but the thought of what was underneath those clothes had my body screaming for hers. Even in that short little time, I felt like we were vibing. Or at least, I wanted us to.

I think she still hates me. Still makes no sense why.

I’ve seen her a few times in the gym, and she kills me with all the clothes she wears. I want to see the goods, but she’s keeping them hidden, and I’m pretty sure it’s not out of modesty. I haven’t forgotten what Evan told me about how she thinks she’s so overweight. In my opinion, she’s not, and I won’t miss a chance to tell her that. I may be coming on a little too strong, but I’m dead set on getting her attention.

It’s the only attention I want.

Unlike Dart, who wants everyone’s attention and to bang them all. I’m not surprised to see him grinning widely at Audrina and her returning the grin.

“She’s either in love with Dart or really is just Thatcher’s best friend.”

He gives me a side eye. “We aren’t supposed to date within the company.”

“Yes, Captain, I know this, but I don’t know if Dart does.”

“Or cares.”

“That either.” It’s in that moment that Thatcher smacks Audrina’s ass. “Or Thatcher doesn’t either.”

Chandler groans loudly. “You young’uns are gonna drive me out of my mind.”

I grin over at him, and he smacks me playfully in the chest before walking to the buffet table Amelia has set up with all kinds of meats, cheese, and snacks from all over. I’m usually partial to the cheese, but today, I’m not feeling it. Since I can’t leave, I head to where Dart sits with Celeste. She reaches for me as soon as she sees me. I’ve got a thing with kids; we’re all friends. I take her and kiss her cheek before sitting down. I look around, realizing someone is missing. “Where is Jaylin?”

Kirby swallows the gulp of beer he just took and nods. “She had to work late. She’s planning on coming by once she’s done.”

I nod. I love Kirby’s girl Jaylin just as much as I love Celeste. “You knock her up yet? Celeste told me she needs a sister.”

Unlike some guys who would be running away from relationships, Kirby grins. “Working on it.”

“Can you marry her first?” Aviva asks, speaking of her best friend.

“How long did it take y’all to get married? A baby came first, right?” Kirby asks, and she snaps her lips shut.

“Touché, good sir,” Aviva says as she leans into Nico, both of them laughing. I don’t know them well, and Nico hardly speaks when we’re on ice. When we’re off, he’s usually talking about Aviva or Vance. That’s often when Dart will bring up Aviva’s sister, who Nico has decided is his daughter, I guess, or something like that, and then we all get a good laugh at how angry he gets. Overly protective is putting it mildly. I almost say her name, just to get a rise out of him, but I’m not in the mood.

Dart looks around. “Did you give Jean the night off?”

Kirby’s grin falls. “Not funny.”

“What? Just asking.”

“No, you’re trying to get in her pants. She’s a good girl, doesn’t need the likes of you.”

Dart acts as if Kirby shot him in the chest. “Kirb, I thought we were friends.”

“We are, but stay away from my nanny.”

“And my…” Nico pauses. “My Callie.”

Aviva rolls her eyes as we all try to hide our laughter. Meanwhile, Dart is grinning like a fool. “I cannot and will not resist the gorgeous Callie, and I’m waiting for the moment when Jean wants to come nanny me. I’m an equal opportunity man.”

I snort. This guy. “Do you mean when you shit your pants from having Nico and Kirby kick your ass? Because that’s the only nannying that girl will do for you,” I call to him, and that sends everyone into a fit of laughter.