“It’s hard, like you said. I want to be this perfect version—”

“Paxy, baby, you are. You are who you are supposed to be, and we love you for it.”

I swallow past the lump of emotion in my throat. “I love you too, Dad.”

“Please let up. Please enjoy your life because you’ve got a good one.”

“I’ll try.”

“Don’t try. Do,” he says, paraphrasing Yoda, and I smile at his nerdiness. “Now, are you absolutely sure about him?”

I grin and hold back the laughter that wants to escape. “Yes, Dad, I am. So, so sure. I love him.”

He lets out a long breath. “Fine.”


“Yeah, fine. That’s all you’re getting out of me.”

I lean into him, and he kisses the top of my head.

And I decide that fine is good enough for me from my dad, because at the end of the day, he’s right. He wants me to enjoy life, and for me to do so, Owen has to be in it. So, I’ll take the fine and know, one day, it’ll be more than that. We both know Owen, and we know his word is his bond. Maybe that’s what scares Dad the most.

Because Owen will be in his life forever.

Chapter Thirty-Two


* * *

I’m sad, and I don’t understand why.

I look around at the room that held my life for the last year. I mainly only slept here, and it doesn’t really scream Angie Paxton, but my plants are so beautiful. They are thriving and growing, some even blooming, and just like them, I’m doing the same. I feel so complete, so happy, but I’m still hit by this wave of sadness. It’s unfair, really, to feel like this on moving day. Owen is all grins, ready to move me, but as I look around, I know I’m going to miss this space. Yeah, it’s just an enclosed sun-room, but it was mine, and my plants loved it.

“Just wait until y’all see the ocean,” I whisper to my plants, moving to each one to check on them.

From behind me where Owen is assembling boxes, he says, “Dart will make fun of you if he catches you talking to your plants.”

I grin back at him. “Good thing I have a huge, strong boyfriend to beat him up.”

He shrugs. “This is true.” He slides a box my way, and I pick it up. “What am I packing?”

“I guess shoes and clothes. I’ll do this side, so I can make sure all the plant stuff is packed correctly, and then my school things. Are you sure I don’t need a storage unit?”

“Babe, you have plants and clothes with a few odds and ends. I think I can manage to give you some space. Especially since Evan’s old closet is completely bare.”

I keep trying to give him an out, but he shoots me down left and right. It’s getting to the point where I don’t even know why I’m trying. “Can I put my desk with my plants?”

“If you think you can work there with Dart being in the way, then yes.”

“And how long do we think he’ll live with us?”

Owen looks up, perking a brow at me. “You don’t want to live with him?”

I hold up my palms. “It’s not that at all. I love Dart, but he loves to have parties and women over at all hours of the night. I have finals coming up, and I was going to suggest I stay in a hotel so I can study.”

“Okay, that’s not happening. Dart can quiet down. He’ll understand. And I mean, I guess I can ask him to move out.”

“No, please don’t. I was just curious.”

He makes a face. “It’s just, he doesn’t know anyone here, and I’d hate to ask him to go. His mom might be moving here, so maybe he’ll go live with her.”

My eyes widen. “I can make his room a plant room.”

“I will not take offense that you’re replacing my best friend with plants.”

“I can get you some plants…?” He scoffs, and I grin at him. “But really, I’m just joking. And I was only curious.”

“Sure. You just want me all to yourself,” he accuses, and I agree, fully.

“You’re onto me.”

We share a grin as we get to work. I’m done with my part before he’s done with my clothes, so I shift to help him. “What are we going to do with your bed and TV?”

I look at both. “Donate them?”

“Cool. I’ll have Dart bring his truck to haul that stuff off, and you can drive mine back to the house and start unloading plants.”

He has it all figured out, and I appreciate his efficiency. I think he knows I’m nervous and upset about the whole thing because he’s been so great. But that’s Owen. Just sweet and kind. I’ve actually decided it’s no longer Owen Michael Adler; it’s Owen Swoon Adler.