But even though my dad hasn’t said a word to me about Owen, I know he’s upset about it. My mom and Owen have both said he is, but neither is worried. My family is coming in this week with the Adlers for Owen’s game. They’re all arriving a day early so we can spend time together. I’m beyond terrified about it all, how they’ll react to our relationship and then the way I look, but it’s hard to worry when Owen is just so wonderful. I just feel good being with him. He is so loving, so kind, and he pleases me like no other. We’ve fallen into an awesome rhythm of life, and I love it. As silly as it sounds, I fall more and more in love with him each day.

I love being home so much, but I think that’s because things at work are kinda spotty. London is strictly business. She doesn’t speak to me about anything but work, and I’m okay with it. I don’t know if Dr. Tembalt has spoken to her, because she hasn’t said anything to me. I haven’t seen her outside of work, and I hate that we aren’t friends anymore. I miss her—my friend, not Leroy’s girlfriend. Those two can kiss my ass. I don’t want people like that in my life. It’s shitty, but it’s fine. I’ll get through it. Now that I know what it’s like to have real friends and a real man in my life, I won’t ever go back to that kind of relationship.

“See, I owe you dinners and cleaning just for the plant help.”

He gives me a look. “Honestly, yes, especially when it’s time to transfer all those plants.”

I flash him a grin as Owen wraps his arms around me from behind. He kisses my neck as he inhales deeply. “Mmm, this all looks yummy.”

He takes ahold of my hips, and I laugh. “The food or me?”

“You. Only you,” he says, kissing me again, and I giggle happily. Though, when he has three plates of the pad thai, I think he may have been lying. He and Dart kill the dinner I made, and it pleases me so. We’re sitting on the porch, eating and carrying on, when I get a text from Jean.

Jean: Are we still on for tomorrow?

Me: Yup. See you at noon.

She sends me a smiling emoji as Dart says, “Texting your other boyfriend?”

Owen flashes him a dark look as I laugh. “Not even. I’m a one-man kind of gal.” Owen leans in, kissing my jaw. I pinch his chin as I say, “It’s actually Jean. We’re going to lunch tomorrow.”

“Nice,” Owen says, picking a shrimp off my plate.

“Man, she’s so hot,” Dart says, shaking his head. “She will not give me the time of day. I think Kirby told her I have herpes.”

I hold in my laughter. “I didn’t know you had a thing for Jean.”

He rubbernecks me. “Have you seen her? I want to drown in her ass.”

Owen snorts as I grin. “Does she know?”

“Ooh, yeah. She turns me down. All the time.”

“I thought you were trying to get with Audrina?” Owen asks, and I sit back, crossing my legs. I’ve only met Audrina a few times and I like her, but I’m Team Jean. I’m surprised she hasn’t become a victim of Dart’s charm. He’s a beautiful guy, and I find him very sweet. Maybe Kirby did tell her Dart has herpes. I’ll find out for sure.

“Dude, I think she’s in love with Thatcher but won’t admit it.”

Owen laughs. “I said the same thing! They’re weird.”

“So weird,” he agrees, and I shrug.

“Maybe after I get moved in and graduate, we can throw a little party, have everyone over. I’ll cook dinner, and we can play games. I’ll invite Jean,” I offer, waggling my brows at Dart, and he’s all for it.

“I’m there.”

Owen agrees. “I am too if you’re cooking and you’ll be there,” he says with a wink, and then he nods toward my phone. “Your phone is flashing.”

I glance down to find a text from London. My heart kicks up as I hit the text to see what she wants.

London: Did you come by today?

Me: Yes. I had to grab some things and water my plants.

Me: Why?

I feel Owen looking over my shoulder, and I lean into him.

London: I’m missing some money off the counter.

“Whatever,” Owen says, his voice laced with annoyance. “Nothing is missing. She’s just a bitch.”

“What?” Dart asks.

“Her ex-roommate is claiming money is missing.”

Dart scrunches up his face. “We didn’t even go near anything of hers. We went right to Angie’s room.”

He’s right, we did, and plus, I would never steal. I tell London that, and she texts me back automatically.

London: Okay. When will you be giving back your key?

“I dislike her greatly,” Owen declares. “She’s asking for her key back.”