I nod as I take the pill, and when I look at him, he asks, “Is that Xanax or something?”

I shake my head. “As if your girlfriend wasn’t already a walking disaster, this is me unmedicated. I have bad anxiety as a result of the attempted rape. And like you said, I tend to spiral when I get overwhelmed. I take these twice daily.”

“Angie, stop.”

I raise a brow. “Stop?”

“You act as if I should be appalled by you or disgusted. I’m not. I’m proudly in love with you. All of you. The medicated part included.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, and he wraps his arms around me. He kisses my nose, my jaw, my cheek before pressing his lips to mine. “I love you. All of you.”

I swallow hard and whisper, “I love you.”

“Good. Now, go take a shower, and I’ll get the bed ready for us.”

I nod as I turn out of his arms, heading toward the bathroom.

Before I can shut the door, he says, “Angie, you are worth the trouble. I thought I proved that to you tonight,” he says, his eyes burning into mine as I turn. “I thought we were moving forward.”

“We are,” I promise. “I’m just freaking out.”

He holds my gaze. “I know, but remember, Angie, no matter what, we’ll figure it out. Together.”


“Oh yeah, sugar. Me and you. Against the world.”

My lips curve as I get lost in his eyes. They’re so full of promise and hope. I don’t know how he can be so positive when I feel as if my world is falling apart. Especially with my dad calling him and me being a walking train wreck of emotions and roommate issues, but there he is.

My pillar.

My everything.

My Owen.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


* * *

“She doesn’t even like you!”

The party in the living room is crazy loud. Why Dart thought it was a good idea to have a little shindig when we have practice in the morning is beyond me. Yeah, it’s an optional skate, but doesn’t he realize how it makes us look if we don’t show up? I plan to show up, but now that I’m on the receiving end of Benji Paxton’s anger, I don’t know if that will still be the case in the morning.

“Absolutely no disrespect, Benji—”

“If you think you’re dating my daughter, you’ll call me sir or Mr. Paxton!”

I grin. This is silly, and Lucy agrees. “Oh Jesus, Benji! Relax! He’s known you almost his whole life!”

I have, but I also respect him. “My bad. With no disrespect, sir, it seems that Angie does, in fact, like me a lot. We’ve gotten to know each other, we vibe, and she makes me very happy.”

“Well, no shit. She’s incredible, smart, and gorgeous to boot!” he yells, and I can feel the emotion in his words. “Do you know her past? The shit she’s been through with guys?”

“Yes, sir,” I answer, cupping my face. “And you know better than I do that I wasn’t raised like that. I would never do that or even think to do that. I want nothing more than to protect her.”

“Ben, sweetheart, this is Shea and Elli’s kid—”

“I am aware of who the hell Owen Adler is, Luce, and that’s the issue. He is a showboating, cocky little shit that thinks he is God’s gift to the world. Probably has our daughter kissing his feet at night and rubbing his back!”

“For the love of God,” Lucy complains. “Are you serious right now?”

“Can I interject?” I ask, holding back my laughter. “I am all those things, for sure. I’m also a very confident man, which is why I’m so attracted to Angie. She doesn’t take anyone’s shit, especially not mine. We all know—and I include you, Lucy—that it would be a cold day in hell before Angie knowingly did something she didn’t want to.”

“Exactly,” Lucy scolds. “The shit with that boy, baby… She was drunk and probably high, and yes, it messed our girl up. But she’s coming back. I fully believe Owen has a hand in that.”

I can’t help but be proud. I know our relationship hasn’t been picture-perfect with every day like how tonight was—minus my mom walking in on us—but it’s been perfect in my heart. “Like I told my mom, I think we’re growing a lot, together, and it’s been awesome.”

“I don’t want you growing with my daughter!”


“I understand—”

“Angela is too good for anyone. And no one, and I mean no one, deserves her. And if you have any respect for me, you’ll stay away from her. She doesn’t need the distraction of some boy,” Benji says, his voice low and threatening. “She has goals, and she will get there.”

“Benji! She’s an adult. She makes her own choices! We are to support them and her.”

But he isn’t hearing her. “Do you understand, Adler?”

I clear my throat, keeping myself level. “Yes, sir.”