He glares. “For one, why? And for two, that’s not fair. I can’t turn down a blow job!”

But neither of us moves. “Because you gave me this amazing night and it just ends, and then you tell me you love me. Like, come on, I feel like I owe you all the blow jobs.”

“Sugar, you owe me nothing. I do these things because I love you. That’s all. Not for something. Don’t know who made you think that way, but stop. I just want your love.” He holds my gaze for a second.

I don’t want to tell him that I’ve always been like this, and I don’t know how to break it. When you had a father who only showed love when it was to get himself something or to get him out of something, you question everyone’s intentions. Even though I’ve grown up with a normal family that never asked for repayment of love, I still gave it to them. I don’t know how to break the cycle, but for Owen, I need to learn. “Okay?”

I nod. “Okay. Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. We’re growing—together,” he says it so simply, with so much sweetness.

My face hurts, I’m smiling so hard. “Owen.”

He stops, looking at me through the open truck windows.

“I do. I love you. Very much.”

“I know.” He winks, and as he drives away, my heart soars.

With a little added pep in my step, I head into the house through the side door that leads into the kitchen. I kick the door shut and set my plants on the counter so I can put the cupcake I brought back into the fridge. After I place it on the top shelf, I reach for a bottle of water and down it before grabbing another one to take to my room. I need to go to the store and get refills for my room, but I haven’t had the time. I move toward my plants and put my phone back in my purse before tucking the bag under my arm. Just as I’m reaching for my plants, a voice I’d rather not hear fills the kitchen.

“Um, your ass is falling out of your skirt.”

Damn it. And I’d thought Elli Adler would be the only one with the potential to ruin tonight.

I pull the back of my skirt down and glare at Leroy. “Fuck off.”

His eyes are dark, beady as he glares back at me. “Ew. Jesus, you left the house in that? All your fat is hanging out.”

“What is wrong with you?” I sneer at him. “Are you obsessed with me?”

“Me obsessed with a cow? I like beef but not your kind.”

God, he is such a dick! “For real, go fuck yourself and leave me alone.”

“I wouldn’t have to say or do anything if you didn’t offend me with all that skin. No one wants to see that. You think he does? He’s only using you for easy sex. I bet you’re so disgusted with yourself, you fuck anyone who would give you the time of day.”

Seconds pass as I glare at him, so upset I don’t trust myself to speak or to move. Finally, with all the control I can muster, I step toward him, anger vibrating in me. But I refuse to allow it out, and I sneer, “Anyone but you, fucker.”

His laughter is threatening. “You wish—”

Before he can finish, London appears. “What is going on?” she asks loudly with wide eyes as she looks between us. “Why are you calling my boyfriend a fucker?”

I point to Leroy, unable to control my tears. I hate when I get so upset I start to cry. The tears fall in rivers as my hand shakes. “He came at me, London. He called me fat, called me a cow, and all kinds of shit. I don’t know what his deal is, but I refuse to be treated like this!”

Leroy denies it all, pushing off the wall and yelling back at me. “I would never say those things to you! Why are you making stuff up?”

“Oh my God! London, why would I lie about this? I’ve told you and asked for your help, and you’ve done nothing.”

“Because he wouldn’t do that!”

I stare at her, but then Leroy says, “No, I would never disrespect a woman.”

I laugh through my sob. “Are you serious, you fucking psycho? You have been coming at me since I moved in! I swear, London. Please. It’s like he is obsessed with me or something!”

London throws up her hands. “Hardly.” I know in this moment, this is not the place for me. I meant what I said in a “he wants to tear me down” way, but by the look on London’s face, the disgusted look, I know she thinks I mean that he wants me. This woman is supposed to be my friend. “I will not allow you to speak to the man I love like that.”