“Yes. Some say I’m bougie.”

She snorts. “I say I agree with some.”

I take her hand and lead her toward the plane, locking my truck behind me, and she mutters, “Well, shit.”

I look over at her. She’s looking at the sky. “What?”

She gives me a sheepish grin. “Never mind.”

“No. What?”

“I forgot to put my rainwater catcher out, and it looks like it’s gonna rain. My plants love rainwater.”

I blink. “Woman, you drive me nuts,” I say, and I quickly text Dart to set out a bucket. “I asked Dart to put something out.”

She leans into me. “You’re the best.”

She kisses my jaw as the flight attendant welcomes us. “Mr. Adler and guest, welcome. Sir, we do need her ID.”

I forgot. “Shit. Sugar, you got your—”

She’d already pulling it out of her little purse, handing it to the flight attendant. “I’ll bring it back to you.”

“Sure,” Angie says, and together we walk up the stairs into the plane. “So, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

Her smile is unstoppable as we take our seats and buckle in. “Is this a new plane?”

“Yeah, Mom upgraded a few years ago.”

“Okay. I didn’t think this was the one we took to the championship,” she says, looking around. “This is nice.”

“You haven’t even seen the back yet. This is just the seating section for takeoff. The back has lounge chairs and couches.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh wow.”

“We’ll go back as soon as we take off.”

“Awesome,” she says as the flight crew gets ready for takeoff. “So, how many girls have gotten this kind of Owen Adler treatment?”

I give her a look. “Um. None.”


“Really. How many guys have gotten you in a dress like that?”

Her lips tip up. “None in the last two years.”


She grins. “I used to wear dresses like this to parties.”

I hold her gaze. “Well, honestly, I think you look way better now.”

Her eyes light up. “You think so?”

I bop her on the nose. “I know so.”

She takes my hand in hers and strokes her fingers along mine. Our fingers play as we wait to take off. I make sure to thank the captain and the copilot before they enter the cockpit. It’s hard to remember I’m supposed to be polite when all I want to do is kiss and touch Angie. She sits all pretty and proper beside me, smiling and being absolutely lovely. I love the way her hair is falling along her shoulders and the curve of her jaw. I find myself reaching out and brushing her hair off her shoulder to kiss her bare skin. Her breath catches as I trail my tongue along her collarbone and up her neck. I find her earlobe and suck it between my lips, biting it softly as she brings her hand up to rest against my cheek.

Into her ear, I whisper, “I want you so, so bad.”

She turns into me, moving her other hand up my thigh before she grabs ahold of my ice-hard cock, making me jump in my seat. I bite her below her ear, and I can feel her smiling as she says, “Easy, boy. So many eyes on us.”

I scoff. “I don’t even care. We’ll give them a hell of a show.”

Her giggles are strained and full of all things dirty. She takes ahold of my jaw just as the captain announces we’ve been cleared for takeoff, and then she moves my head slightly so our eyes can meet. Such heat and goodness are in her eyes, and I moan with desire. She leans in, and I take her mouth with mine. I don’t know how we miss the damn plane taking off, but then again, maybe I do. Being lost in her kiss would make me forget anything, really.

I hear a throat clear, and I pull back to find the flight attendant smiling down at me. “I apologize, but you’re able to move to the back for the next hour. We have a cheese and meat tray and champagne arranged for you.”

“Thank you,” I say roughly, and I stand, guiding Angie up and in front of me. “Right through the curtains, baby.”

She starts for the back, and I turn to the flight attendant. I jerk my thumb toward Angie and say, “I will give you a hundred bucks not to open those curtains.”

Her eyes widen. “But I’m supposed to serve you.”

“Unless you’re putting her on a silver platter for me, no offense, but I don’t need you.”

She’s completely taken aback, and since I’d rather my mom not know about that comment, I add, “Three hundred if you promise not to tell anyone.”

Dollar signs flash in her eyes, and she nods eagerly. “That will not be an issue, sir.”

She hands me Angie’s ID, and I hand her three hundred-dollar bills and nod. “See ya in an hour.”

I step through the curtains and shut them behind me to find Angie sitting on the couch with cheese in her fingers and a grin on her face.