Jesus. Christ. Almighty.

I know I’m gawking at her, and with the way she crosses her ankles, one in front of the other, I feel I’m making her self-conscious. I move toward her, despite the raging hard-on I have, and I shake my head. “Not fair.”

Her eyes widen as her glossed lips press together before parting. “What?”

I stand before her, drinking her in as my heart pounds in my chest. It’s the most I’ve ever seen of her, skin-wise, and I honestly forget how to take my next breath. I glance at my watch, and I know I don’t have time. I look back at her and mutter, “So not fair.”

Her brows come together, and I can tell she’s getting pissed. “What are you talking about? And why haven’t you kissed me yet?”

“It’s not fair that you look this damn good when I don’t have time to take you back to your jungle and consume you.” Her breath catches, and I shake my head. “And I don’t know if I can kiss you and stop.”

Her lips perk up at one side, giving me very naughty vibes before she rises up on her toes and presses her lips to mine. I wrap my arms around her and engulf her as I pull her in tightly. Our kiss is sweet but turns very demanding, very quickly. She tastes like mint and feels absolutely incredible in my arms. I reach down, taking a good chunk of her ass in my hand. I press myself into her, letting her know how fucking much I want her. When I break the kiss, it’s only to whisper against her lips as our eyes meet. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, Angela Lynn Paxton. Hands down. No one, and I mean no one, compares.”

Her eyes are glassy as she gazes up at me, and slowly, she brings her hand up, cupping my cheek. “You sure we don’t have time?”

I shake my head sadly. “Not even a second to spare.”

She leans in, kissing my bottom lip before speaking against it. “Then you’d better get us out of here before I’m the one consuming you, Owen Michael Adler.” She draws out the words, licking my bottom lip, and everything in the world stops.

Yup, I’m head over ass for this girl.

I swallow, reaching up and taking her hand. “Just FYI, if my parents hadn’t helped with this date, I would totally blow it off and show you a damn good time in that jungle of yours.”

She flashes me a grin. “You’d be the king of the jungle?”

“Prepare yourself for this corniness…but only if you’re my queen,” I say, pulling her along, and I love the giggle I’m rewarded with. I walk her around the truck, opening her door for her. I help her in, and as she crosses her legs, I run my hand up her shin to her thigh. Her eyes meet mine as I reach down, kissing her mid-thigh. Her little intake of breath makes me want to bust. I stop myself and then rush around to get in the cab. I start the truck quickly and pull away just as fast. I don’t know why I’m rushing—I have time—but I think it’s because she has me so keyed up. She hands me my phone, and I toss it in the cupholder so I can take her thigh in my hand. Her skin is warm, and I squeeze her, wanting so badly to take a bite of her. She covers my hand with hers, and when she sighs happily, my heart soars.

“I know the answer,” she starts, and I look over at her, grinning from ear to ear. She reaches over, poking me in my dimple. “But I look okay? You’re not embarrassed?”

I almost wreck the car whipping my head in her direction. “The hell I have to be embarrassed of?”

“It’s tight, and I don’t want you to be embarrassed by what others think.”

“Thank God it’s tight,” I basically choke out. “Sugar, my love, I’m proud to be with you, and I don’t give two fucks what anyone thinks.”

“Oh,” she says, and I can tell she’s a little surprised by my answer.

“They can want you or not, and I don’t care, ’cause I know you’re mine.”

“Well then,” she says breathlessly as she grins at me. “Yours? Okay.”

“Yup,” I agree. “Also, just a warning, I went a little overboard.”

Her eyes dance as she looks at me. “Really? Why do you say that?” I pull into the airport and see my family’s plane. I glance over at her, and her eyes are wide. “What in the world?”

“Told ya,” I say, parking and getting out. I grab all my stuff and then head around to help her out.

“We’re going on a plane? For a date?” she asks incredulously.