She looks back at me. “If you get hired on.”

“I thought that was a given. It’s why I’m working so hard to finish school early.”

She squares her shoulders and turns. “Like I said, we’ll deal with it if we get there.”

As I watch her retreating back, I want to throw my coffee at her. If Owen hadn’t gotten it for me and it didn’t taste so damn good, I would. Instead, I sit, pissed, scared, and unsure of what will happen with my career.

Like he said he would, Owen waits for me by my car.

He’s leaning up against it when I open the door to the parking garage, looking at something on his phone. I still can’t believe he is waiting for me, and when my heart flutters in my chest, I don’t know how to handle that either. He looks over at me, and my lips quirk at the side as he grins at me.

“Hey there, gorgeous.”

I sigh happily. “Hey,” I say, walking straight for him. He takes me in his arms, and I press my lips right to his. He wraps his arms around me tightly, and I hold his waist while our kiss deepens. My heart is wild in my chest as I get lost in his kiss. His lips taste sweet, like cherries, and when his hands slide down my back, squeezing my ass, I lean into him. For the love of God, he’s hard, and everything inside me goes hot. Gone are the issues with London, and gone are my worries about my career being up in the air.

I want Owen Adler right now.

I part from his lips, smiling as our eyes meet, and with a husky voice, I ask, “My place or yours?”

He matches my grin, moving his hands up into my shirt. He holds my back, digging his fingers into my skin, and I freeze.

Can he feel my stretch marks?

Oh, fuck me, he’s going to see me naked!

Did I shave? Can’t have a hairy puss when I’m full of stretch marks.

His grin falls as he eyes me. “Paxy, what’s wrong?”

Lie. “I had a rough night at work—”

“Pax, tell me the truth.”

I bite the inside of my lip as I look at his jugular. I can see it throbbing, and I know he is feeling what I am feeling. Pure heat and desire. He slides his hands along my skin, and my eyes fall shut as he hugs me closer to him. Our bodies line up, and I can’t with how hard he is everywhere. “I want you, bad, and after the night I’ve had, I’d like to forget everything. But I haven’t slept with anyone since I got fat, and it scares me to think of you looking at me and seeing my stretch marks.”

Without removing his hands, he uses his chin to push my face up so he can look down at me. “I understand, and you know we can take this as slow as you want,” he promises, his eyes so kind and sweet. “You’ve seen mine, so I feel I should get to see yours.”

My lips curve as I shake my head. “It’s not the same. I find you hot with them.”

He stares into my eyes. “Exactly. Angie, I know for a fact that I’m gonna enjoy your body—stretch marks, chub, and all. I, for one, am excited to play with the threat of suffocation once I get between your legs.”

“Stop!” I laugh, smacking him in the chest. “I wouldn’t let you—”

“Oh God, don’t say that,” he says, nibbling on my bottom lip. “But again, we’re going at your speed.”

I exhale. “Okay.”

“Okay,” he says, kissing my nose. “And also, you’re not fat.”

“Owen, I know the truth.”

“The truth is, you’re not. You’re thick and delectable and yummy and sexy—” His words fall off as he nibbles at my lips, leaving me utterly breathless and aching for him. “Oh, I got you a present.”

“A present?” I ask, raising my brow, no longer thinking of his lips between my legs. I love presents. “You already bought me snacks.”

He smacks my butt and shifts me to the side. “This is way better than snacks.”

Owen moves past me, walking around my car, and when he comes back, he is holding the most majestic Monstera.

I cover my mouth. “You bought me a plant!”

He grins as he holds it out to me.

“It’s my favorite! I have two!”

He looks disappointed. “Oh man, I was hoping you didn’t have one.”

“No, it’s fine! These are the kinds of plants to have more of. They’re so gorgeous!” I gush, hugging the pot. I grin up at him. “You have made my day, seriously. Like, the whole week, really.”

Owen’s eyes are so bright, so full of life, as he leans in, kissing my top lip. I grab his jaw, kissing him hard on the lips. When he grins against my mouth, I grin at him as he pulls back.