Shea and Elli forever.

I turn my attention from the past back to my mom as she finishes, “…then I would be done being pregnant since I was always so big with all of you melon heads, but no matter what, Shea reassured me.”

“Evan had the melon head. Mine was normal-sized. Not anymore, I know,” I say, and she laughs.

“I love all of your melon heads,” she promises. “But why do you ask?”

I don’t know if I should say anything because when it does come out that Angie and I are together, I don’t want my mom to know Angie is insecure. Or struggling with her looks. “Dart is dating someone who hates her appearance, and I basically told him the same thing you said.”

“Oh. Well, good. Maybe we did raise y’all right.”

“Just a bit, but I’m still the best out of everyone.”

“Of course you are.”

I press my lips together. “You’re gonna text Posey, Evan, Shelli, and Quinn they’re the best as soon as we get off the phone, aren’t you?”

She isn’t even ashamed. “You know it. I love you.”

I smile as I shake my head. She tells us each we’re her favorite, but I really do believe it’s Evan who is the for-real favorite. Then she tells each of us we are the best, and success-wise, Shelli has it, but Quinn is going to be a doctor. Which leaves Posey and me to be normal hockey stars. Oh well, at least I know I’m always loved.

“I love you too, Mom.”

We hang up just as Dart comes out. “I bought two. I want to try it.”

“It’s good, really great vitamins,” I say, taking the bag with Angie’s stuff. “Did you get the protein bars? I’m sure she didn’t eat.”

“Yeah. Why doesn’t she eat?”

I shrug. “She tells me she forgets, but I think she taught herself to go without to lose weight.”

He makes a face. “She doesn’t need to lose weight. That girl is made to have curves like that.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her, and if I was sure she wouldn’t leave me for you, I would have you tell her.”

Dart grins like a cat. “Dude, she would. Do you see all this?” he says, moving his hand up and down his body. “And my dilly is the size of a hockey stick.”

I flash him a dark look. “It’s about the girth, my friend,” I retort, not that I’m lacking, but he does have a toddler arm down there. Lucky asshole. He laughs, and I roll my eyes as we head to my truck. Just as I’m getting in, though, I notice a nursery.

I point to it. “That’s like a nursery for plants, right? Not kids?”

He looks out at it. It’s a rather large place, and I’m sure it’s too big for kids, but I’m still unsure. “I don’t see any kids. Just green shit.”

“Cool. Let’s go check it out.”


“Angie likes plants.”

“Why? They don’t do anything,” he complains, and then he chuckles behind me. “You’re gonna buy her a plant?”

I shrug. “Maybe. I want to make her happy. She’s had a rough week.”

“Maybe you should just lay it down for her. She’ll be out of that funk.”

I roll my eyes. “You are the epitome of willy-nilly with your dilly.”

He grins. “I’m so making that a shirt.”

“Do it, and we’ll even put my mom’s name on the bottom, quoting her for saying it.”

He laughs. “Yes, she’ll love that.”

“Or kill us.”

“Oh, for sure. Murder us dead.”

We laugh like two little kids, and I hate the guilt that creeps in. I feel like I’m cheating on Evan when Dart and I hang out. It’s hard, though, when we spend a lot of time together. We’re on the same line. We share a hotel room. Dart is my homey. I know I’m not cheating on Evan. I’d give up Dart to have my brother with me right now, but I do feel kinda bad. Not that Evan would be happy with me for feeling that way. Every time I talk to him, he tells me how happy he is with my play and how he’s doing so well. I worry he’s lying to keep my nerves under control, but Mom says the same thing. So do Dad and my siblings.

Evan is doing awesome at home, which was the goal.

Since we are a goal-driven family, we take that as a win. No matter how much I miss him.

As we enter the nursery, we get some looks from some of the customers since we are two huge dudes looking at plants, but I can see why Angie digs these things. They’re pretty refreshing. Lots to choose from too, like, so much to choose from. Instantly, I’m overwhelmed while we look around. But Dart, well, his mind is blown.

“This shit is expensive! Who would spend this kind of money on something you could kill? Like, seriously, I would forget to water it, and bam! Dead. And I’m out twenty bucks!”