“Babes, Luca, I was kidding. Of course the broken leg is real. I’m only implying—”

“You’re not implying anything! You’re saying it outright. And, might I suggest you don’t know me at all? How dare you come here and tell me I overwork my employees? Jillian has worked for me for half a dozen years. Don’t you think she would have left by now if she felt abused and overworked? She’s one of the best personal assistants in the city. And, I might add, with a reference from the Bernardi Group, she could write her own ticket.”

One side of Marcel’s stupid mouth quirked up. “There we go. The hibiscus has teeth. I love it.”

Was he joking? Did he want to get thrown out of this airplane? “Why are you like this? How is it possible you work for Grey Blackwood, of all people? Surely he wouldn’t stand for…” My voice trailed off as I remembered this wasn’t a real PA. He was a sex PA.

And I would stand for a lot from someone as beautiful and exciting as Marcel.

I set my jaw.

“Come with me to the bedroom,” I said sternly, standing up now that we were at altitude.

I didn’t wait for his response. I simply moved to the back of the plane where the single bedroom was located.

And waited.



Had any other employer demanded I follow him to his bedroom, I would have scoffed and given him a very strident piece of my mind followed by a lovely view of my backside as I walked the fuck away from him.

But… Luca Bernardi wasn’t exactly my employer. And he was unexpectedly pushing all of my buttons.


Also? I was a smidgie-poo stupid. I’d been known to get myself into a spot of trouble from time to time, and this seemed no different. Besides, wasn’t there some kind of rule about things that happened in Vegas staying in Vegas? Surely we could extend the parameters of such a rule as to encompass private plane flights to Vegas.

So I followed him. Not to actually do anything, I told myself. Just to see what he wanted. Simple curiosity.

Yeah, you’re simply curious about what his ass looks like out of those chinos.

The man I saw when I entered the small, luxurious bedroom was noticeably more nervous than the one who’d sternly demanded my presence in this room only thirty seconds earlier.

“How does this work?” he asked, wringing his large hands.

My heart went mushy for him without a second thought. He was adorably awkward with me despite being a highly respected businessman known for his successful hotel investments all over the world.

Jillian had told me plenty of stories of his crack shot negotiation skills and keen intelligence on the job. Supposedly, this wishy-washy thing only happened when dealing with close friends and family members. That was when Jillian was expected to go into bulldog mode to keep him from overcommitting himself.

I glanced at the bed, which was almost the only item in the room. There was also a small desk built into the wall, but since there was no computer on it, I could only imagine he meant to indicate the bed.

“Pull back the covers and get in,” I said. “Then close your eyes and think lovely thoughts. Eventually this puppy will put you right to sleep. It’s truly that easy. Lie down on it. That’s the sum total of how it works.”

“But then what do you do? As my, you know… assistant?”

As his assistant? I blinked. “Did you… want me to tuck you in and read you a bedtime story?” Jillian definitely hadn’t mentioned that.

He ran a hand through his wavy hair. “No, I mean, like… if I wanted you to give me a, um… blow job or something.”

I stepped backward instinctively and banged my elbow on the narrow doorframe. “Ow, fuck. Shit.”

Luca stepped closer to me. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to just blurt it out like that. I don’t know what I’m doing. Was that rude? Was I supposed to… use some kind of code word? Is your elbow okay?”

Could there possibly be such a thing as a dorky, endearing sexual predator? And would it count as a “Me Too” violation if I was sort of… into it?

Because I could almost feel his meaty cock on my tongue. And part of me wanted to make this sweet bumbling idiot feel good. But definitely not as his assistant.

“I’m okay,” I said, rubbing my elbow. “But I have to admit to being a little surprised at your, er… request.”

Before Luca could interrupt me to apologize again, I continued. “It’s just that I know Jillian would never service you in that way, so is it the fact I’m a guy? And, not gonna lie, you’re hot enough to get any damned man on his knees you want. Hell, that flight attendant would probably blow you. But I guess that’s equally inappropriate since he works for you too…”